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「 也可以从这几个方面如芋,如 z 嗓子周围与下巴是否松弛,音色是否优荣,声 音是否通畅。 本文的最大特点是研究的科学性与全面性,运用句歌唱相关的生理知识, 不仅深入探究了声门适度感的理论实质,并且提出了可行性建议与方法。 并 笔者希望此次研究能够给当前声乐教学与演唱中存在的矛盾提供新的解决方 法。 ‘ ‘tBa-- F 适度感 演唱与教学 u 呼吸状态 发声方法 m m IV IV 啕 ABSTRACT . 1 010时c moderate feeling ofvoωlitysin原ng and teaching in the research and application is a necessary prer,叫uisiteωobtain one of 伽 perfect soun,侃 Opening 伽也roat singing on 也e brea旷 and 0由自 kinds of skil1s of the traditional ltalian bel 侃nto. 010ttic mod惊ate feeling 制 amod时ate power of sin伊g voiωas important 翻出e fonner .Movement 0∞urred 也roughout 也.e song system is an importantωmponent of 他 1缸几 pharynx and glottis state. The g10伽阳.te has a direct impact on their states in 由e singing movement. Singing to the West is ∞ncerned; it has exp缸ienced 400 years of development time so far. In 也.e 19伽 century,伽e prestig民ous voω1 theorist, educator Oarc-a propose a glottal shock,掘出e descendants of 由e g10ttis when the state of sound provides the b部ic thωretical foundation. This sin斜ng method has bωnexp时ienced the ωnv町gence of more than one hundred years in China. However,we did not have enough attention to 由e eliminate 也.e fa1se and retain the 肌le for studying the glo创c state ,如some extent,it had a negative effeωon our vocal music perfonnance and 也.e teaching progress. Fsaced with 也is siωation,也is article 企om a historical per叩ective,not only describ咽 the background of 也e g10ttis is extremely modest sense of origin,and 协 、 study 也e anatomy,physiology and 0也er related knowledge 协 S时viωs 阳也e 010创cmod町ation feeling ,it in-d叩th analysis the thωretic 位u曲。f 由e 010创c , moderation feeling in 由e physiological basis of the dωr. Combining ωmake the inte甲retation of 也is summary of Mrs.Shen,the Olottic mod町ation feeling 阳 sin剧吨 ís exhaled breath du由19 the g10阳1closed passive shock in goodωndition, the modest r叫uirements of 由is 民ate exhal创 breath and the 岛nnation of 伽 appropriate p町ωntage of g10ttal closure .Only artio in appropriate proportion the γ 晨 rkvdapexh



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