
persnaity emtina inteigence an wrk preferences in sftware engineering an empirica sty在软件工程中的人格情绪智力和.doc

persnaity emtina inteigence an wrk preferences in sftware engineering an empirica sty在软件工程中的人格情绪智力和.doc

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personality, emotional intelligence and work preferences in software engineering an empirical study:在软件工程中的人格,情绪智力和 Personality, emotional intelligence and work preferences in softwareengineering: An empirical studyMakrina Viola Kostia,?, Robert Feldtb,c, Lefteris AngelisaaDepartment of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreecebDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, SwedencDepartment of Computing, Software Engineering Research Laboratory, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Swedena r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 1 September 2013Received in revised form 7 March 2014Accepted 13 March 2014Available online 21 March 2014Keywords:Software engineeringPersonalityEmpirical studyFive Factor ModelSelf-compassionTEIQuea b s t r a c tContext: There is an increasing awareness among Software Engineering (SE) researchers and practitionersthat more focus is needed on understanding the engineers developing software. Previous studies showsignificant associations between the personalities of software engineers and their work preferences.Objective: Various studies on personality in SE have found large, small or no effects and there is no con-sensus on the importance of psychometric measurements in SE. There is also a lack of studies employingother psychometric instruments or using larger datasets. We aim to evaluate our results in a larger sam-ple, with software engineers in an earlier state of their career, using advanced statistics.Method: An operational replication study where extensive psychometric data from 279 master levelstudents have been collected in a SE program at a Swedish University. Personality data based on theFive-Factor Model, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and Self-compassion have been collected.Statistical analysis investigated associations between psychometrics and work preferences and theresults were compared to our previous findings fr


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