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Meshing Recommendations Number of elements per side length On flanges, parts with holes Minimum of 3 elements per side of any section If less, bad behavior in bending Meshing Recommendations Meshing on neutral plane Keep the true geometry of the part (section, inertia …) Keep the true distance between the different parts (contacts) Keep all flanges Need for welding and keep the true geometry Suppress the small details Delete holes smaller than the reference mesh size Remove the shape details which are not necessary Meshing Recommendations Details deleted and number of elements Flanges Meshing Recommendations Transitions Meshing Recommendations Quality Model Follow the meshing recommendations Average mesh size: 10mm Shell: Q4 Belytchko Tsai (BT) 5 IP through the thickness Ishell = 4 (improved hourglass formulation) Ismstr = 0 (default value) Ithick = 1 (thickness changes) Iplast = 1 (Iterative plasticity) Solid: Isolid = 0 (default with 1 IP) Ismstr = 0 (default value) Summary Pay attention to the mesh size (for time step issues) Simplify the model (geometry, symmetry) Example: Remove or simplify details (fillet, edges..) which are than mesh size Mesh size = 5 mm Keep this fillet (4 mm) Simplify this fillet (1.5mm) Best Practices Adjust your meshing style as a function of part Dimension if mesh size 4* thickness [ shell mesh We recommend using QEPH elements for shells on the critical parts with the following options IPLAST set to 1 N = 5 (number of integration point through the thickness) if mesh size 4* thickness [ solid mesh If your have: 1 element through the thickness (not recommended) [ use fully integrated solids (HA8) or thick shells more than 1 element through the thickness [ use HEPH Best Practices Choose a unit system and be consistent with it Most commonly used unit system : [mm][ms][kg] = [Gpa][KN] | g=0.00981 mm/ms-2 [mm][ms][g] = [Mpa][N] | g=0.00981 mm/ms-2 [mm][s][Mg] = [Mpa][N] | g=9810 mm/s-2 Best Practices Always chec



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