Sometimes when you take a common drug,完形填空答案.docVIP

Sometimes when you take a common drug,完形填空答案.doc

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Sometimes when you take a common drug,完形填空答案

Sometimes when you take a common drug,完形填空答案   Sometimes when you take a common drug, you may have a side effect. That is, the drug may cause some effect other than its_ 51_one. When these side effects occur, they are called adverse reactions._52_you have an adverse reaction, you should stop taking the drug right away. Ask your doctor whether he can suggest a drug that will_ 53_ the symptoms but that will not cause the adverse reaction. If an adverse reaction to a drug is serious, consult your doctor for advice at once.   Drugs that are _54_in the dosage(剂量)stated on the label may be dangerous in large doses. As for aspirin, it is _55_thought of as dangerous, but there are many reports of accidental poisoning of young children who swallow too many for their young bodies to handle. In adults, _ 56__use of some pain-killing drugs may cause severe kidney damage. Some drugs for relief of stomach upsets, when taken in excess, can cause an upset in the body’s secretion of enzymes(酶的分泌),perhaps bringing about serious digestive problems. You should never use any over-the-counter drug on a regular, continued_57_ , or in large quantities, except on your doctor’s advice. You could be suffering from a serious illness that needs a doctor’s care.   Each drug you take not only acts on the body but may also_ 58_ the effect of any other drug you are taking. Sometimes, the consequences of this change can lead to dangerous or even fatal reactions._ 59_ , aspirin increases the blood-thinning effect of drugs given to patients with heart disease.__ 60__ , a patient who has been taking such a drug may_ 61__hemorrhage(出血)if he uses aspirin every time he gets a headache. When it comes to_62_certain drugs can safely be used together, you should ask your doctor and follow his advice.   Alcohol may increase the effect of a drug. With alcohol, sleeping pills and antihistamines are likely to produce drowsiness(半醒半睡).When t



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