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国际商务单证英语 应用语言系 09商务英语专业 授课教师:潘冬梅 Insurance Documents (保险单据) 1.Learning Objective(学习目标) 2.Operating Tasks(操作任务) 3.Operating Sample (操作示范) 4. Basic Knowledge (基础知识) 5. Practical Training (项目实训) 1.Learning Objective(学习目标) Skill Objective(技能目标):To apply to the insurance company or its agent for the insurance documents correctly and skillfully according to the letter of credit.(根据信用证准确熟练地向保险公司或其代理申请办理保险单据) Knowledge Objective(知识目标): To know about: the meaning of insurance documents and marine insurance; main characteristics of marine insurance ; the risks and the losses in marine cargo insurance; basic risks coverage, general additional risks coverage, special additional risks coverage under China Insurance Clause; main types of insurance policy; the main contents of the insurance policy; discrepancies avoided in making out insurance document (通过本项目的教学,使学生理解保险单据和海洋保险定义,海洋保险特征, 海洋货物保险的风险与损失,中国保险条例下的基本险种、一般附加险和特殊附加险,保险单据主要类型,保险单主要填写内容以及制作保险单据时所要注意事项) 2.Operating Tasks(操作任务) Wangtao is the salesman of CHINA ELECTRONICS ZHEJIANG COMPANY. The time of shipment (date of delivery) is approching. Now you are Wangtao and are required to do this task for him to requests the Insurance Company to issue the insurance policy (under CIF terms ) at invoice value plus 10% with covering the relative risk as per the stipulations in contract or the L/C. The issuing date of insurance policy should not be later than that of shipping documents. The date is Nov. 19TH, 2012 , No. .( 王涛是中国电子进出口公司浙江分公司外贸业务员。装船日期临近。请代表王涛根据合同或信用证的条款,在CIF或贸易术语下按发票110%金额向保险公司投相关险种并办理保险单。制单日期为2012年11月19日,号码 L/C资料 The procedure of effecting insurance(国际货物运输保险程序) 在国际货物买卖过程中,由哪一方负责办理投保,应根据买卖双方商订的价格条件来确定。 例如按F.O.B.条件和C.F.R.条件成交,保险即应由买方办理; 如按C.I.F.条件成交,保险就应由卖方办理。办理货运保险的一般程序是: 国际货物运输保险程序 1.选定保险方式 -逐笔投保; -预约保险:专门从事进出口业务的外贸公司,为了简化手续,可与保险公司事先签订“预约保险合同”(“Open Policy”),在合同中,对出口货物投保的险别、保险费率等作出规定。预约保险合同是出口企业与保险公司之间的正式的保险契约,凡属预约保险合同范围内的出口货物,一经启运,保险公司既自动按预约保单所订立的条件承保。 2、确定投保的金额 保险金额是被保险


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