Singapore Day - Is it a worthwhile investment-完形填空答案.docVIP

Singapore Day - Is it a worthwhile investment-完形填空答案.doc

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Singapore Day - Is it a worthwhile investment-完形填空答案

Singapore Day - Is it a worthwhile investment?完形填空答案   Singapore Day - Is it a worthwhile investment?   San Francisco saw thousands of Singaporeans and friends get together last Saturday to enjoy a day of fun and 41 . Singapore Day 2016 was filled with 42 memories of years growing up in Singapore, getting 43 on happenings back home and enjoying delights like 44 , games and barbecues. The crowd 45 their loudest cheers for Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean 46 he conveyed the country’s best wishes to her sons and daughters living 47 .   Despite the goodwill of this 48 much-anticipated event, questions were raised back in Singapore over its multimillion-dollar 49 . In response, Dr Khor, Senior Minister of State, 50 in social media: “There’s a value to helping our Singaporeans remember their roots 51 if they ever go back, it’s easier for them to adjust. You can’t put a 52 on that.”   Trying to 53 the value of such a huge 54 of public monies and what it meant to Singaporeans all over the world, I joined in the celebrations. As I looked 55 , I saw families, two- and three-generation ones, coming together. I saw 56 Singapore acquaintances renewing friendships. I saw foreign friends meeting the Singapore community and learning about the rich 57 of Singapore.   58 in the Californian sun, I was reminded “Not all that can be measured matters, and not all that matters can be measured”. Singaporeans 59 for one another, anywhere and everywhere in the world - now that’s 60 paying for.   41   A. races   B. celebrations   C. contests   D. prizes   42   A. comparing   B. losing   C. reviewing   D. praising   43   A. updated   B. missed   C. worried   D. uploaded   44   A. lectures   B. performances   C. hotdogs   D. officials   45   A. asked   B. looked   C. saved   D. called   46   A. if   B. unless   C. for   D. as   47   A. abroad   B. happily   C. unitedly   D. hard   48   A. random   B. annual   C. monthl



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