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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:易顺煤矿9#煤层矿井开采设计(150万t/a) 学生姓名: 闫占飞 学 号:1272101112 专 业:采矿工程 班 级:采矿12-1班 指导教师:郑文翔 评 阅 人: 成 绩: 摘要 本设计为易顺煤矿9#煤层150万t/a开采设计。全部设计包括矿区概述及井田地质特征、设计储量及开采年限、井田开拓方案、采煤方法的选择、采区巷道布置、回采工艺设计、通风供电及排水、安全技术措施等。 井田煤层厚度为平均12.71m,采区倾角为0~5°,井田设计储量为93.31Mt,生产能力为150万t/a,瓦斯涌出量较低,属于低瓦斯矿井,地质构造较为简单,无明显褶皱断层,交通便利。 井田开拓方案为斜井开拓,主斜井为大倾角胶带运输机运煤,副斜井采用无极绳单钩牵引矿车运输作为辅助运输,井田总共分为两个带区,首采区工作面长度为157m,开采顺序为前进式,采煤方法为综采放顶煤,工作面采用双巷制。 带区采用四六制作业,三班采煤,一班检修,生产人数为66人,一天循环三刀,生产每一循环一刀,截深为0.8m,采煤高度为3.5m,放顶高度为10m,矿井总风量为50.66m3/s,通风方式为抽出式。机型选型为FBCDZ-10-NO30D 关键词:斜井开拓;带区式开采;综采放顶煤;前进式,双巷布置;四六制; Abstract ??? The design is the exploitation of MaiDiZhang 02,6,8 # coal mine, coal seam thickness was 3.3 m, 1.86m, 2.14m, seam pitch was 60 m, 40m. According to data mine the external investigation of the mine field for the high-gas coal mine, the coal gas emission in an average of 14.24m3/ t, the next group of coal to 35.22m3 / t. Seam of both the risk of explosion. Grade coal to natural tendency not spontaneous combustion. According to mine discharge forecast, the normal discharge of mine1255m3/ d, Chungs largest water at 1600 m3/ d The Coal Mine in Qingxu county, 10 km NATO, which has Gujiao Qingxu to the same highway. Qingxu county from the Taiyuan city about 40 km, which has the same 307 National Road. Although the mine in more complex terrain, but between the village and village roads are linked to simple, can use trucks. Therefore, the location of Industry Square in the vicinity of Chen Jia Ping, a shaft development, Lord, vice shaft ventilation shaft and the section were 33.2 m2, 19.625 m2, 19.625 m2. Develop a programme for the Chen-ping from the vicinity of the north east is necessary to develop the transport, rail, air return roadway to the north mine the border and then west from Chen Jia Ping pioneering South transport, rail tunnel, and then north tunneling West transport, track , To the wind tunnel. Option 2 is in the south of Chen Jia Ping tunneling transport, rail and air re



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