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PAGE 长塞环封防气防砂抽油泵结构设计 摘要:针对目前解决普通抽油泵采油时产生气阻,气锁及砂卡现象的不足,研制了一种新型长塞环防气防砂抽油泵。该泵采用长柱塞短泵筒结构,柱塞上端设计成机械强启闭防气出油阀总成,密封段采用防沙环,补偿式金属环及非金属环间隔排列的形式防砂,现场试验表明,该泵能在各种油田气比的井中高效可靠地工作,与普通抽油泵相比,平均泵效提高15%-20%,平均单井检泵周期延长90d以上。 长塞环封闭防砂抽油泵能够在各种油气比的油井中高效可靠地工作,既能有效防止气锁,气阻,提高泵效,又能消除上下冲程带来的“液面冲击”,降低阀罩,泵阀及抽油杆柱等部件所受到的冲击载荷。 本文首先介绍了国内外抽油泵的发展现状,接着论述了长塞环防气防砂抽油泵的工作原理,设计了抽油泵的整体结构。然后设计了大排量防喷抽油泵的整体尺寸,确定了泵的外径和泵筒的长度。最后对抽油泵的泵筒、柱塞、泵阀、阀罩等主要零件进行了设计,并对抽油泵的排量进行了计算,该泵可有效防止气锁,实现泵向油管的排液。 关键词: 防气防砂;抽油泵;结构设计; Sucker-Rod Pumping Failures Diagnostic System Abstract A decision support system was developed based on Failure Root Cause Analysis aiming to reduce the mean time between failures (MTBF) of sucker rod pumping wells. It collects, organizes and integrates data about pulling services, failures, and technical observations and uses a combination of Failures Modes and Effects (FMEA) and Fault tree (FTA) analysis techniques to generate diagnosis. The system is based on an ontology that describes the domain, including: equipments, failures modes and causes. The diagnosis is inferred by a specialist system based on production rules and identifies well severity level based on data aggregation algorithms, in particular, k-means, which clusters the behavior of similar wells given the subsurface reservoir and equipment characteristics, type of material installed and the failures characteristics. The sucker rod pumping failures diagnostic system is currently being implemented at Petrobras. Initial results are promising: even during pilot tests, analysts were able to detect problems with manufactures and a lack of synchronicity between component changes. Key words: sucker rod pumping; structural design;


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