声声慢翻译中可译性限度和消解-limitations of translatability and resolution in sound slow translation.docx

声声慢翻译中可译性限度和消解-limitations of translatability and resolution in sound slow translation.docx

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声声慢翻译中可译性限度和消解-limitations of translatability and resolution in sound slow translation

万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 译事之难,已是不争的事实,这是因为翻译过程中译者面对的是语言和文化双重障碍, 很难做到“忠美两全”。正如老子所言:“美而不信,信而不美”。中国古典诗歌在翻译过 程常常很难保存原文的音律,形式和意义上的特点以及美感。但我们应认识到语言之间 一般来说是可译的, 因为语际间存在着基本的、广泛的意义转换条件和手段。但可译不 是绝对的, 因为在语言各层次中存在着使语际意义转换不能完全实现的种种限制。这些 限制, 就是所谓的可译性限度(刘宓庆, 2005)。因而学者便提出可译性限度,并成为翻译 研究中的一个重要课题。中国古典诗歌的译作能否完美再现原作的文学魅力,怎样才能 再现原诗歌的“音美,形美,意美”, 成为研究的重要课题。 中国古典诗歌是中华文化的瑰宝,它的翻译可以使外国读者了解中国文学与文化, 欣赏古诗的美,陶冶性情,也有利于中国文学走出去,丰富世界文学内容。同时古诗词 翻译也是传播中华文化,增强国家文化软实力,促进文化交流不可或缺的一部分。汪榕 培(1996)然而在大量的古诗翻译作品中,令人满意之作却很少。诗歌翻译的统一的翻 译原则和标准也未建立。因此本文从李清照的《声声慢》这首词出发,以许渊冲的“三 美论”为理论基础,分析中国古典诗歌翻译中的可译性限度,探讨中国古典诗歌的可译 性问题,寻求消解可译性限度的原则和方法。从而能更好的实现古诗翻译的美感再现,以 对诗歌翻译理论的研究有所贡献。 通过对《声声慢》三个英译本的对比研究和分析,笔者认为可译性限度消解应遵循 以下原则:1)以诗译诗原则,2)忠实, 3)美感再现。 可译性消解的方法,在音律上 可以以音代步,寻求押韵,但以表意为主。在形式上则注重修辞和对仗的等效翻译,原 句为问句依然译为问句。 在意义上主要表现为意象可译性限度,可通过直译,意译, 直译加注来消解。 关键词:中国古典诗词;可译性限度;消解 I Limits of Translatability of Chinese Classical Poetry and their Elimination -- a Case Study of Slow Slow Tune Abstract Translation is a difficult task which is an undisputable fact, for the translator in the translation process is facing the dual barriers of language and culture. its hard to be faithful and achieve aesthetic beauty at the same time. As Lao tzu said: Beautiful words are not faithful, while being faithful entail not beautiful. it is often difficult to keep the original aesthetic beauty in rhyme and rhythm, form and sense in the translation process. Liu Miqing(2005)But we hold that different languages are translatable in general, because there are basic and extensive conditions and devices to realize the conversion of meaning between different languages. But translatability is not absolute, because there are many obstructions that hold back the meaning transformation between interlingual languages at all levels of language. These limitations, is the so-called the limits of translatability . It becomes an important subject in the study of translation. Whether Chinese classical poetry translation can reproduce the original charm of literature, and how to reproduce



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