初中生父母教养方式 应对方式与自立人格的关系分析-analysis of the relationship between coping style and self - reliance personality of junior high school students parents.docx

初中生父母教养方式 应对方式与自立人格的关系分析-analysis of the relationship between coping style and self - reliance personality of junior high school students parents.docx

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初中生父母教养方式 应对方式与自立人格的关系分析-analysis of the relationship between coping style and self - reliance personality of junior high school students parents

VI VI There are significant differences in genders, grades and places of residence. In the dimension of parents’ warm understanding, there are gender differences; in the dimensions of parents’ warm understanding, severe punishment, refusal and deny, there are grade differences; in the dimension of parents’ warm understanding, the scores of the city, county and rural students are decreasing in sequence.(3) In the dimension of mothers’ severe punishment, gender and grade are in significant interaction; in the dimensions of fathers’ warm understanding, severe punishment, excessive interference as well as mothers’ warm understanding, grade and places of residence are in significant interaction. The characteristics of Junior high school students’ coping styles:(1) From high to low sort: solving problems, retreating, enduringness, seeking help, giving vent and imagining. (2) There are significant differences in genders, grades and places of residence. In the dimension of giving vent, girls have higher scores than boys; in the dimensions of solving problems and seeking help, there are differences in grades; in the dimensions of seeking help and enduringness, urban students have higher scores than county and rural ones; (3) In the dimension of giving vent, gender and place of residence are in significant interaction; in the dimensions of solving problems, retreating and seeking help, grade and place of residence are in significant interaction. In the relationship between parents’ educating patterns and self-supporting personality of junior high school students, parents’ warm understanding relate positively to most self-supporting personality dimensions, other educating patterns relate negatively to most self-supporting personality dimensions. In the relationship between self-supporting personality and coping styles of Junior high school students, these seven dimensions --- interpersonal activeness, interpersonal responsibility, interpersonal flexibility, personal independen



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