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泛读期末考试总结   Placement test 分班考试 diagnostic test 单元测验 achievement test 学业考试   Proficiency test 水平考试 exploration探测探究to travel for the purpose of discovery   Space race 太空竞赛 alien civilisation 外星人文明 manned mission 载人飞行   Refugee难民unprotected people IDP internally displaced persons   Mandate 授权,命令a document giving an official instruction or command   Caseload; refugee number NGO民间组织non-government organization   Tobacco industry烟草行业an industry that manufactures and sells products containing tobacco Anti-smoking campaigns禁烟运动 cigarette giants 烟草巨头 the opium war 鸦片战争   Civilization 文明a particular society at a particular time and place   Clash of civilization 文明冲突the conflict between different civilization   Fundamentalist 基要主义者a supporter of fundamentalism   Identity:exact sameness 同一性 modernization 现代化making modern in appearance or behavior Immigrant 移民a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there Migration 迁移,移民the movement of persons from one country or locality to another   The Promised Land 乐土 pilgrims 朝圣者 puritans 清教徒 cultural inheritance 文化传承;文化遗址 Religious persecution宗教迫害 ecology 生态学 extinction 消失,消灭no longer in existence   Biodiversity crisis 生物多样性危机 ecosystem 生态系统 holocaust 大屠杀the Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler Nazi纳粹党人 synagogue犹太教会堂 Zionism犹太复国主义,锡安运动 Diplomacy 外交negotiation between nations convention公约something regarded as a normative example Hegemonism霸权主义 redemption 赎回,拯救the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil Salvation拯救;救助 resurrection复活the rising of Christ on the third day after the Crucifixion   Catholic church 天主教 protestant churches 新教 politics政治 social relations involving authority or power bureaucracy官僚主义nonelective government officials democracy民主. The political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives   Dictatorship专政,独裁权 art: the creation of beautiful or significant things   Renaissance 文艺复兴the revival of learning and culture cub


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