综合英语课堂中教师对学生批判性思维能力培养的分析——以第三届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛总总决赛英语专业组视频为例-an analysis of teachers' training of students' critical thinking ability in comprehensive english classroom —— taking the video of english major group in the thir.docx

综合英语课堂中教师对学生批判性思维能力培养的分析——以第三届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛总总决赛英语专业组视频为例-an analysis of teachers' training of students' critical thinking ability in comprehensive english classroom —— taking the video of english major group in the thir.docx

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综合英语课堂中教师对学生批判性思维能力培养的分析——以第三届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛总总决赛英语专业组视频为例-an analysis of teachers' training of students' critical thinking ability in comprehensive english classroom —— taking the video of english major group in the thir

ii ii (2)对于参赛教师的个人背景(学校类型,性别,学历,职称)与其对学 生批判性思维能力培养的相关性如下:师范院校的教师表现得比其他类型院校的 教师好;参赛教师对学生批判性思维能力培养的表现与其是否来自重点院校关联 不大;关于教师性别,学历及职称与其对学生批判性思维能力培养的相关性方面, 由于对比的人数比例都相差较大,所得结论可信度不足。 (3)关于教师对英语专业学生批判性思维能力培养的教学启示:为了更有 效的培养学生的批判性思维能力,教师应该多加阅读相关文献并多加探讨,这样 才能更充分的理解何为批判性思维以及如何培养学生的批判性思维能力;不仅师 范类型院校,还有其他类型院校的教师都应该多加注重学生批判性思维能力培养 的教学研究。 最后,作者指出了本研究的不足之处并为后续研究提出了相应的参考性建 议。 关键词:批判性思维;综合英语课;英语专业教学; iii iii Abstract In 2000, The English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors in Colleges and Universities published by the Ministry of Education in China definitely requires that teachers should emphasize and strengthen the development of students? critical thinking abilities. At present, more and more universities make it as one of the key goals of talent development of English majors. However, with numbers of literature reviews? reading, the author found there were some related researches on development of students? critical thinking abilities in English teaching, etc, but there are only a few related researches in different subjects for English majors. Integrated Skills of English Class, which is the most important subject for English majors, mainly aims at not only training and improving students? integrated language skills, but also the abilities beyond the language skills, such as students? critical thinking abilities. Based on the critical thinking skills defined by Glaser, Benjamin Bloom, F.A. Facione and the Qualitative Skills Instrument made by scholars from University of Florida, this author puts forward a newly-constructed framework of critical thinking skills, which involves 6 dimensions of critical thinking skills: identification& interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulation. The research carries out a case study of the videos of the 3rd SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Final Contest (English Major Group) by classroom observation to transfer the videos of Integrated Skills of English Classes given by 24 contestant teachers into words



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