六年级英语life in the year 20501.doc

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六年级英语life in the year 20501

北师大版六年级英语下册教案 Unit9 life in the year 2050 教学目标: 情感目标: 1. 通过学生植树、捡拾垃圾这一主题故事的学习,增强学生热爱自然、保护环境的意识。 2. 通过畅谈2050年的未来生活,培养学生热爱生活的态度,激发学生探索未来的欲望。 知识目标: 1.让学生能通过循序渐进的学习理解课文,完成阅读练习。 2.在语境中能理解本单元出现的新词汇和短语。 3.理解两种表达将来时态的方法:will/be going to 能力目标: 1.通过较大容量的语言输入,初步培养学生用英语思考和交流的习惯。 2.通过小组练习,培养学生合作学习的能力。 教学重点: 理解课文的主要内容。 教学难点: 能通过阅读提取相关信息,并对课文内容有自己的理解,从而完成阅读练习。 教具: CAI课件 BINGO KIDS头像 教学过程: 活动过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 热身 问候学生 问候老师 活跃课堂氛围 引入新课 ? ? ? 1.出示并教读课题. T: Today, we are going to learn a new story: Life in the year 2050. 2.T:I will be 73 years old in the year 2050. Oh! I am so sad. I will be an old woman. What can I do? 3.T: Thank you for your ideas. I can…But old Miss Liao will not want to live in the big cities. I will want to live in the beautiful forest. But I don’t know what will the forest like in the year 2050. How do you think? 4.T: I love your answers. The bingo kids are waiting for us in the forest. Let’s go and meet them. ? 1.学生读课题,注意2050的读法。 ? ? 2.Ss: You can… ? ? ? 3.I think... 谈论与课题相关的内容,引出新课,并为新课讲解做好铺垫。 教师和学生一起进行整篇课文的学习。 教师结合每幅图的提问讲解课文. 图1:T: Where are they? When will they go to the forest? What will they do in the forest?(出示短语卡片clean up the forest plant some trees并解释、教读。 图2:What are they doing in the forest? Which activity is right? Leave trash in the forest or put trash in the trash cans? Is Lisa happy? Why? 图3:Are there many trees in picture 3? Please read picture 3 and tell me in which part of the woods will they plant trees? Why?(黑板左部画有很多树,右部树木很少) 图4:Now, the Bingo Kids are having a rest. Charile thinks that the trees will be very big in the year 2050.解释huge. And Ken think the life in 2050 and the life in 2007will be different. 教师板书: huge :very very big different: not the same 图5:How old will?Ann be in the year 2050? What does Ann think? Does Sue want to live on the other planets? 图6:What are they talking about in Picture 6? Yes. They are talking about computers. They think conputer can do everything,do you agree? Can computer plant trees? 图7


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