城市商品房住宅小区停车位权属问题研 究mor_5mba.docx

城市商品房住宅小区停车位权属问题研 究mor_5mba.docx

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城市商品房住宅小区停车位权属问题研 究mor_5mba

分 类 号 : 论文编号: 密 级: 贵 州 大 学 2015 届硕士研究生学位论文 城市商品房住宅小区停车位权属问题研 究 学科专业: 法律硕士(非法学) 研究方向: 民商法 导 师: 冷传莉 研 究 生: 赵驭寰 中国﹒贵州﹒贵阳 2015 年 5 月 内容摘要 改革开放 30 多年,国民整体生活水平大幅度提高,家庭的可支配收入也逐 年上涨,人们开始追求高质量的生活。同时,汽车也伴随这股大流成为了很多家 庭的交通工具。但是,城市化建设的急功近利并没有规划好足够的停车位,住宅 小区停车位修建标准以及流转使用规则并没有相应的完善,导致了住宅小区停车 位权属纠纷与争议日趋频繁,因此,构建城市和谐交通的一部分的住宅小区停车 位权属以及流转使用规则的完善也显得尤为重要。《中华人民共和国物权法》首 次以立法的方式规定了住宅小区停车位权属以约定归属制为原则,但该规定以当 事人约定权利归属,没有明确确权,已经不能适应当今社会经济的发展,导致各 种关于停车位权属的纠纷发生。因此,需要从立法层面进行制度上的优化,针砭 问题,解决问题,进一步完善我国法律制度。 本文着通过四个部分来分析商品房住宅小区停车位权属的法律问题,并提出 一些具体的立法建议。本文首章介绍了住宅小区停车位的概念,并结合实际生活 进行了具体的分类;第二章简单分析了住宅小区停车位的法律性质,并讲述了当 今学术界关于住宅小区停车位的主要学说,同时阐述了对相关学说的一些拙见; 第三章属于关于住宅小区停车位权属国内外的比较法研究,比较中外关于住宅小 区停车位权属的规定并进行评述;第四章立足我国基本国情,提出进一步细化的 停车位权属相关规则。 关键字:停车位;建筑物区分所有权;权利归属 Abstract 30 years of reform and opening up, the national overall living standards greatly improved, household disposable income also rose year after year, people began to pursue high quality of life. Meanwhile, the car is also accompanied by the crowd which shares many families became transport. However, the quick success of urbanization did not plan well enough parking, residential area parking construction standards and use the transfer rules and no corresponding improvement resulted residential area parking ownership disputes and controversies have become more frequent, therefore, to build the city perfect harmony part of the residential area of transport and transfer of ownership of the use of parking rules are very important. Peoples Republic of China Property Law for the first time by way of legislation specifies residential area parking system ownership to the agreed principle of attribution, but the parties have agreed that the provisions of the right to ownership, there is no clear right to do, can not meet the current social and economic development, resulting in Parking on the ownership of various disputes. Therefore, the need for optimization of the system from the legislative level, and point out the problem, so


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