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35 4 ( ) V o l 35 No 4 2007 8 Journa l of F uzhou U n iversity( N a tura l Sc ience) A ug 2007 : 1000 - 224 3( 2007) 04 - 0541- 04 ARQ 1 1 2 1 , , , ( 1 , 350002; 2 , 350025) : , ARQ ARQ , ARQ , , , : T urbo ; ARQ; ; ; : TN9 19 22 : A An adaptive HARQ ba sed on channel noise estim ation 1 1 2 1 CA I Jin- long , L IN D ong , CHEN J in- x iong , YU Lun ( 1 Co lleg e of Phys ics and Inform a tion Eng ineering, Fuzhou U niversity, Fuzhou, F uj ian 350002, Ch ina; 2 Fuzhou Central H o sp ita l o f N an jing M ilitary A rea Comm and, Fuzhou, Fu jian 350025, China) Abs tract: H ybrid autom atic rep eat request ( HARQ ) protoco l u sing auto repeat requ est and front error contro l is a wl ays u sed for re liab le h igh rate serv ices for the purpose to mi prove the throughpu t and reli ab ility o f comm un ication system s A cco rd ing to ana lyz ing the disadvantage of the traditional ARQ schem e, a new typ e HARQ schem e based on ch annel no ise estmi ation is presented The throughput and average transm ission t mi e are analyzed S mi ulat ion results show th at the proposed schem e achieves higher throughput, redu ces the average transm ission tmi e and mi proves the reliab ility o f the system Keywords: Turbo code; ARQ; no ise; ch annel estmi at ion; throughput


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