高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修三Unit Two Healthy eating复习(重点导学、操练巩固.docVIP

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修三Unit Two Healthy eating复习(重点导学、操练巩固.doc

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高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修三Unit Two Healthy eating复习(重点导学、操练巩固

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修三Unit Two Healthy eating复习(重点导学、操练巩固   Unit Two Healthy eating   一、重点导学   根据所给句子判断知识点的词性词义,并归纳其用法   1、ought to 词性: 词义:   By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. 到这个时候他饭店宾客盈门的。   He ought to be here by now.   It ought to be very cold in December in Xi’an.   You ought to study hard.   Schools ought to supply good books for students.   You ought to have studied hard in the past three years.   ※ 重点操练   ---There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building.   ---Really? It _____be a fire, most probably. (应该)   2、think of 词性: 词义:   He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil.   他想到了他用最热的,最好的油烹制出的羊肉、牛排和熏肉。   Sorry, I didn’t think of your name just now.   We should think of some excuses.   We should think of the matter carefully.   Please think of what I have said.   Chen Guangbiao is always thinking of the poor people in the poor areas.   Don’t trust him, he only thinks of himself.   I am thinking of giving up smoking.   Is there anyone thinking of going out to play basketball with me?   ※ 重点操练   – How long have you worked in this library?   ---Two years, but I’m thinking ________.(停下来)   3、must 词性: 词义:   Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.   如果李昌不像平常那样来他的饭店吃饭肯定是发生了什么可怕的事情。   He must be in the classroom.   She may have a spare pen.   The ground is wet, it might have rained last night.   They must have finished their homework.   He must be in the classroom,isn’t he?   She may have a spare pen, doesn’t she?   The ground is wet, it might have rained last night, didn’t it?   They must have finished their homework, haven’t they?   ※ 重点操练   The classroom was empty. I think they _____ to the playground to do morning exercise.(肯定去了)   4、drive 词性: 词义:   Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. 好奇心驱使王鹏走进去。   What drove you to change your mind?   Hunger drove


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