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武汉科技大学本科毕业设计 PAGE I PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIII 武汉科技大学本科毕业设计 MACROBUTTON MTEditEquationSection2 SEQ MTEqn \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTSec \r 1 \h \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTChap \r 1 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 摘 要 Delta并联机器人是一类全新的机器人,它具有刚度大、承载能力强、精度高、自重负荷比小、动力性能好等一系列优点,与目前广泛应用的串联机器人在应用上构成互补关系,因而扩大了机器人的应用领域。Delta并联机器人是最典型的空间三自由度移动的并联机构,Delta机构整体结构简单、紧凑,驱动部分均布于固定平台,这些特点使它具有良好的运动学和动力学特性,实验条件下末端控制加速度可高达5.0g(重力加速度)。大量的实践证明,Delta机构是迄今为止设计最成功的并联机构之一。目前,Delta并联机器人己经广泛应用于化妆品、食品和药品的包装和电子产品的装配。 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。以步进电机作为Delta机器人的动力,其既简单廉价,又可靠稳定。它有瞬间启动,急速停止,精度高等特点。 在运动学反解模型的基础上,利用VS2008开发了基于Windows平台的三自由度Delta机器人上位机控制端,实现了空间坐标的反解及数据的串口收发。并设计制造了Delta机器人,设计采用二相混合式步进电机作为机器人的动力来源。使用S3C6410作为控制系统的核心,实现下位机串口数据的收发、对机械运动的控制及步进电机的驱动。 关键词:Delta机器人; 位置反解; 步进电机; S3C6410 Abstract Parallel robot is a new kind of robots, It has a serial advantages over serial robots in terms of high stiffness, larger payload, high precision, load/wight ratio and good dynamic capability, it has complementary relationship with serial robots which is widely used in application, as a result, enlarge the whole application field. The Delta parallel robot is the most typical three translation Dof parallel structure, the whole structure is simple and compact, the driving part are evenly distributed to base platform, this characteristics lead to good kinematic and dynamic identity, under experiment, the acceleration can reach to 5.0 times of g(acceleration of gravity).A number of experiments proved that, the Delta robot is one of the most successful robots since today. At present, the Delta robot is widely used in the packing of cosmetic, food and medicine as well as assembly of electronic products. The stepping motor is a open-loop control components that could be to transform the electrical pulse signal into angular displacement or linear displacement. The stepping motor is the power of Delta robot which is both simple and cheap, reliable and stable. It has instant start, rapid stop, and high accuracy. On the bas


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