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摘 要 Monomorine I天然生物碱是1973年RitterMonomorium L.蚂蚁中分离出来的一种踪迹信息素,其中含有3,5-二取代吲哚里骨架。1985年Husson, H. P.实验室最早手性合成了Monomorine I并且确定了它的绝对构型。1993年研究者从中南美和马达加斯加岛上生活的箭蛙皮肤提取物中也发现了Monomorine I 和它的三个异构体的存在。这一发现有力地证明了箭蛙以Monomorium L.蚂蚁等作为食物储积Monomorine I的食物假说(dietary hypothesis)理论。由于这类生物碱从天然中提取出来的量特别少不足以对它们进行详细的讨论和研究,为了进行进一步的药理研究,通过有机合成方法合成出Monomorine I很有必要。目前有很多化学研究者对Monomorine I进行了手性合成,其中Blechert 报告提出了最有效的7步对映选择性合成,但是实验产物不单一。通过有机逆合成分析,采用内酰胺作为原料,这里报告提出了一种产物单一,步骤简短的新的Monomorine I 全合成方法。 关键词:生物碱; Monomorine I; 内酰胺 Abstract Monomorine I which is a kind of natural biological alkaloids,a trail pheromone of the widespread pharaoh,s ant Monomorium pharaonis L, possessing a 3,5-disubstituted indolizidine skeletonwas separated in1973 of Ritter,F.J. The Husson, HP Labs first chiral synthesis of the Monomorine I and established its absolute configuration in 1985 . Researchers found Monomorine I and its three isomers from frog skin extracts on Central and South America and the island of Madagascar in 1993. This finding proved the hypothesis (dietary hypothesis) theory which was the Monomorium L. ants as food of arrow frogs to storage Monomorine I .Because this kind of alkaloids extracted from natural is too less to research their particular detail effection ,and in order to further the pharmacological research, through the organic synthesis synthesize Monomorine I is very necessary. There are a lot of chemistry researchers Monomorine I was chiral synthesis There are many international researches for the chiral synthesis of Monomorine I.Blechert have reported the most effective seven steps stereo-selectivity organic synthesis, but product diversification.The experiment is based on the inverse synthetic analysis, using beta-lactamase-producing as raw materials. Here report a new total synthesis of Monomorine I with single product, short step . Key words: alkaloid; Monomorine I; lactam 文中简约用语一览表 1 前 言 2 1. 结果与讨论 4 1.1 实验一 4 1.1.1 (-)-Monomorine I[(-)-1]的合成 4 1.1.2 反应条件和试剂 4 1.2 实验二 5



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