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PAGE 河 北 工 业 大 学 毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 学 号: 学院: 机械学院 系(专业): 车辆工程 题 目:大客车同步带式滑移门设计 指导者: 教授 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2012年 6 月 8 日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 大客车同步带式滑移门设计 摘要: 车门是客车的重要组成部分,是乘客上下车的通道,对客车的整体造型也起着重要的协调作用。随着我国汽车技术的发展,我国汽车厂已普遍采用了优势突出的外摆式乘客门,外摆式乘客门是一种无轨道的移出门,依靠滑动轴带动门扇作近似于平行移动的运动,因而也成为平移门。 本文为大客车的外摆式乘客门的设计。通过对外摆式车门的设计,改善了车门的可靠性,降低了车门的成本,增加了车门的市场竞争力。同时也对外摆式乘客门的结构和工作原理进行了分析,确定其各部分的尺寸及主要零部件的选型及装配,讨论了国内外汽车工业发展的情况及对比。AUTOCAD软件是当今世界一种主流的设计软件之一,在本次设计中应用了AUTOCAD软件绘制乘客门。 关键词: 外摆门 安全 竞争力 AUTOCAD 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title the design of the coach’s outer turning service door Abstract Passengers’door is the important of the coach,is the route way for the passenger.And assort with the whole coach sculpt.With the development of our vehicle technology,the domestic vehicle factory has already adopted the outer turning service door.It has much more predominance.The outer turning service door is the door which has no tram road and parallel move out of the coach.By the rotation of the circumrotate axes,the door is moving close to the parallel move. Thus this door is called translation door. This paper introduces the design of the passenger train coach’s outer turning service door and the engine hatch door.Throuth the design of the outer turning service door,improved the reliability of the coach,the conform and security of auto would be improved by this way.at the same time the door was become cheaper and better.Analyzed the structure and operating principles of the outer turning service door and the engine hatch door,determined the size of its parts and major components of the models and installation.Discussed development of the vehicle annex industry.AUTOCAD software is one of a mainstre


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