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摘要 无线电发送设备中,为了保证足够远的传输距功率放大直至获得足够大的功率再送至发射天线。获得足够大的输出功率,其工艺加工难,工作电压高,器件载发射系统中的应用。固态功率器件具有体积小、低、维护方便、温度适应性较好等优点。采用功率进行同相叠加,是获得更高输出功率的有效途本文对多种功率合成方法进行了调研,综述国片级功率合成、电路级功率合成到空间功率合成,义和发展趋势。以固态电路为主要研究对象,对功探索的研究,提出具有一定创新性的新思路。将功率合成器应用到单边带通信设备上,是一个和好的设想。 1.讨论了功率合成系统中限制功率容量、降低线的结构和主要特点,详细研究了微带线尺寸对率合成器系统中隔离电阻功率容量的量值。2.采用奇偶模的方法设计出二支节四合一微ADS优化并仿真。详细分析仿真结果得出较大的3.根据ADS优化后的尺寸制作出四合一功率测量实验,实验结果与仿真结果基本差别不大。 功率合成器是应用于无线电设备中的工作单元,下面介绍了功率合成器的工作原理和工作方式,其详细的理论推导公式,对单边带功率合成器的设计具有一定的价值。 关键词:功率合成器,合成效率,单边带。 Abstract To guarantee the transmission distance,the pendin disposed by a series of power amplifications to obtain to transmitting antenna in the wireless transmitting a electrovacuum can provide biggish output power,bmissile launch system with harder machining,highe At one time,the solid state power devices are advent high reliability,low voltage,convenient maintenan adaptation and so on.The technology of power cphase the output power of multipath solid state pow path to obtain the higher output power. In this thesis,the usual power combining tecsummarized,including on-chip,circuit and spsignificance and development trend of high-power .The power combining devices and the entire combinstate circuit has been investigated.Some creative ideresults are as follows: 1.The ingredients limiting power capability and the whole system have been discussed.The infectio line to power capability of devices and the power capinvestigated in detail. 2.The method of even-and odd-mode is adopte microstrip line power combiner.And the assistant (ADS)is used to optimize and simulate.The simulatobtain the wider bandwidth and lower transmission . 3.The combiner is produced according to the ADS.The experimental and simulated results of S-bandwidth achieves 50%and the combined efficienc. Frequency synthesizers are widely used in the working unit wireless receivers. This paper introduces the working principles of several types of frequency synthesizer . The derivation formulas are of ualue for the desing of fr


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