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PAGE 摘 要 电磁场对焊缝组织的影响 电磁场作为一种可控的物理场并具有独特的性能,因而在材料科学研究和加工中得到了十分广泛的应用。本文介绍了电磁场原理及电磁场在金属凝固过程中的应用和发展趋势。介绍了电磁场对焊缝组织的影响,并总结了焊接相关的知识,如焊接定义,焊接设备,焊接原理,焊接参数等。电磁场在焊接方面的研究较多,但尚不成熟,应用也很少。 这里采用厚度为15mm 的20钢钢板,将其放在45V交流电压产生的交变磁场中。采用对接接头焊缝,开V型坡口,用WSM160型直流电焊机,进行了单道焊焊接。焊条用J422焊条。共采用3种方式,分别使焊缝垂直磁场,平行磁场和不加磁场的情况下进行了焊接,然后将焊接接头制备成金相试样,用4XC型光学金相显微镜观察了金相组织,分析比较了电磁场对焊缝组织的影响, 结果表明:在有电磁场存在的条件下,无论电磁场方向是平行焊缝还是垂直于焊缝,都会使焊缝的显微组织变细小。交变电磁场使焊缝中的奥氏体柱状晶向等轴晶转变;使焊缝的针状铁素体向粒状铁素体转变。焊缝平行电磁场比焊缝垂直电磁场细化晶粒效果更好。说明电磁场对细化晶粒有一定的作用。 关键词: 电磁场,焊接,细化晶粒. Abstract The influence of electromagnetic field on the weld organization This text introduced electromagnetic field theory ,and the changes of welding line texture in electromagnetic field.I used 20# steel ,its density is 7.85kg/m3.Its longth is 150mm,wideth is 100mm,highth is 15mm,melting depth is 8mm,dead-weighth is about 17N.The steel cut across a hand over transfer magnetic field,with alternating current(AC)45V.The welding rod is 422#.In the test, I made 3 different test pieces in all。The first one is making without electromagnetic field;The second is making with electromagnetic field,and the direction of electromagnetic field is squareness to the direction of welding line;The last is making with electromagnetic field,and the direction of electromagnetic field is parallel to the direction of welding line.Then I watched metal photograph of these 3 test pieces ,studied their textures and properties in 3 places below:welding line ,heat influence area and mother material.The result indicated that welding with electromagnetic field made a-Fe and P extenuation,no matter the direction of electromagnetic field is squareness or parallel.This said electromagnetic field can make crystal grain extenuation. Electromagnetic field as a physics field,because of its unique property ,it used widely in material scientific research and process .This text introduced electromagnetic field deal with applies in the process of material solidification and the development t


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