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PAGE 郑州交通职业学院 毕 业 论 文 论文题目: GPS技术在汽车和交通上的运用 所属系别 车辆工程系 专业班级 09大专检测1班 姓  名 学  号 指导教师 撰写日期 2012 年 05 月 摘 要 20世纪电子技术,卫星技术,电脑技术,通信技术等领域的革命性的发展极大地改变了人类社会的工作和生活方式。全球卫星定位系统(以下又称GPS)及其在现代交通运输中的应用是最引人注目的之一,GPS是近年来开发的最具有开创意义的高新技术之一,目前,GPS在诸多领域中得到越来越广泛的应用。相信随着我国经济的发展,以及高等级公路的快速修建和GpS技术应用研究的逐步深入,其在道路工程和交通运输中的应用也会更加深入,并发挥出更大的作用。 GPS以全天候、高精度、自动化、高效率等显著特点及其所独具的定位导航、授时校频、精密测量等多方面的强大功熊,已涉足众多的应用领域,使GPS成为继蜂窝移动通信(GSM)、互联网之后的全球第三个IT经济新增长点。 本文首先对GPS的技术基础知识进行了阐述,分析了GPS的市场需求的产生原因,这是本文主要研究背景。在此基础上本文对GPS在现代交通运输中的应用与需求互动关系进行分析,得出了GPS的技术进步极大地促进了包括交通运输业在内的行业对GPS的市场需求,而GPS的进一步运用又出近了技术的革新与进步,全球卫星定位系统GPS及其在现代交通运输中的应用其发展前景广阔的结论。 关键词:交通运输:全球卫星定位;应用 Abstract The revolutionary development happened in the fields of electronic,satellite,computer and telecommunication techniques in 20“century had changed social work and life styles greatly.Global Position System(GPS)and its’employment in modern transportation was one of which caught people’S most attention.GPS is one of the high technologies.Which developed in recent years and have? fundamental meaning.Currently, GPS has been being used in more and more fields.We believe that it will be employed more extensively and more deeply in road engineering and transportation,with the quickly setting up of highway and the gradually deepening in the study of the GPS’S application. GPS have marked character such as all-weather,high accuracy,automation and efficiency, and have power functions such as potation and navigation,bearing calibration,precise measurement,These characteristics and functions make GPS become the third global new increasing point of IT economy after Global System For Mobile Communization‘GSM)and Intemet. In this paper, the GPS’S fundamental knowledge is introduced firstly,and the reason why the market demand to GPS happens is analyzed.The two points above the main backgrounds of the paper, on the base of which.The author analyzes the GPS’S application in international and internal market,w


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