新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit5-Section A-Speaking Chinese in America.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit5-Section A-Speaking Chinese in America.ppt

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新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit5-Section A-Speaking Chinese in America

作为副业;作为兼职 Her husband is a doctor who makes sculptures on the side. on the side 短语逆译 短语应用 她的丈夫是个医生,业余时间做些雕塑。 意群提示 切入主题 We don’t have much time, so I’ll come straight to the point. get / come to the point 短语逆译 短语应用 我们时间不多,所以我就直入主题吧。 意群提示 以……限制某人(的自由、机会等); 包围;围住 It is clear that politicians are often hedged in with their own interests. hedge … in with / by … 短语逆译 短语应用 很明显,政客们通常受到本身利益的制约。 意群提示 有代表性的;代表……的 These short stories are representative of the dominant literary themes of the 20th century. be representative of 短语逆译 短语应用 这些短篇小说代表了20世纪具有主导性的文学主题。 意群提示 如果有什么不同;甚至正相反;甚至还不如说 Xiao Ming didn’t seem too disappointed at losing. If anything, he seemed relieved that it was all over. if anything 短语逆译 短语应用 小明看上去对输掉比赛并不是太失望。相反, 他好像因为比赛都已结束而感到如释重负。 意群提示 Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. Why + v. / n. / prep. phrase 用于含蓄地表达观点。 2. If I consider my upbringing carefully, I find there was nothing discreet / important about sth. / sb. I grew up with…. 用于表示“通过个人经历而形成的对某人/事的正确认识”。 3. At this junction, I do agree in part with sth. 用于表示“部分认同”。 何必费劲讲究形式上的客套呢? 原句译文 逆译练习 Why bother with such nominal courtesy? 句型提炼 why + v. / n. / prep. phrase 句型提炼 应用提示 用于含蓄地表达观点。 句型应用 典型例句 你可以在电脑上看电视节目,何必费劲买个 电视机呢? 意群提示 You can watch TV programs on the computer, so why a television? 仔细想想自己的成长过程,我发现,我从小到大所接触到的中文并不是什么特别谨慎的语言。 原句译文 逆译练习 If I consider my upbringing carefully, I find there was nothing discreet about the Chinese language I grew up with. 句型提炼 If I consider my upbringing carefully, I find there was nothing discreet / difficult about sth. / sb. I grew up with…. 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“通过个人经历而形成的对某人/事的正确认识”。 句型应用 典型例句 仔细想想自己的成长过程,我发现,我从小到大所接触到的英文并不是什么特别难的语言。 意群提示 If I consider my upbringing carefully, I find there was nothing difficult about the English language I grew up with. 在这一点上,我的确在某种程度上同意《纽约时报杂志》的那篇文章。 原句译文 逆译练习 At this junction, I do agree in part with The New York Times Magazine article. 句型提炼 At this junction, I do agree in part with sth.



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