lecture 6,7 修辞修改附练习答案.ppt

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lecture 6,7 修辞修改附练习答案

Adj. + N. creative destruction, living death, tearful joy, orderly chaos, etc. Adj.+ Adj. cold pleasant manner, sour-sweet days, poor rich guys, etc. Adv. +Adj. dully bright, mercifully fatal, falsely true, wisely stupid, etc. V. + Adv. hasten slowly (=make haste slowly), shine darkly, groan loudly, etc. N. + N. love-hate relationship, the sound of silence, etc. When the news of the failure came, all his friends said that it was a victorious defeat. Open secret Living death Wasteful thrifty It (New York) has the poorest millionaires, the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. 14. Alliteration [?l?t?re??(?)n](头韵) proud as a peacock blind as a bat Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. the wild winds of winter ; the white foam flew; the furrow followed free. Next to health, heart, home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile. Money makes the mare go. A fair face may hide a foul heart. Pride and prejudice The winds of war 15. Onomatopoeia [,ɑn?,m?t?pi?] (拟声) Combination of sounds in a word that imitating what the word refers to,like‘hiss’ or ‘boom’. Definition: imitation of sound. Function: association, direct, vivid. 模仿物体声音: click-clack ding-dong hubble-bubble clink slosh 模仿人的声音: haha giggle chuckle slurp 模仿动物声音: mew quack The stream flows through the woods. The stream is murmuring through the woods. Dasi started laughing. Dasi started giggling. The door was pushed open. The door crashed open. Heavy rain drops fell on the tent. Heavy rain drops began pitter-pattering on the tent. FIGURES OF SPEECH 1. Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Personification 4.Metonymy 5.Synecdoche 6. transferred epithet 7. Euphemism 8. Irony 9. hyperbole


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