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1. undertake sth. to do sth. that-clause 4. be curious about sth. 对……很好奇/很感兴趣 to do sth. 非常想做某事 5. be similar to sth. 与……相似 6. debate about/on sth. with sb.和某人辩论某事 hold a debate 举行一场辩论 1. imagine sth. doing sth. that-clause 其后不能接to do 你能想象一下没有电的生活吗? Can you __________ without electricity? 你能想象一下他成为演员的情形吗? Can you imagine _______________ an actor? 别以为我会借钱给你。 ___________ that I will lend you money. 2. promising adj. 有出息的,有前途的;有希望的,大有可为的 He is a ________________( 有前途的青年)singer. promise (sb.)sth. (sb.)to do She _____________________(答应过帮我) The clouds____________(预示)rain. It _ (可望转暖) this afternoon. * * * If you dont learn to think when you are young , you may never learn . (Thomas Edison , American inventor ) ??? 如果你年轻时就没有学会思考,那么就永远 学不会思考。(美国发明家 爱迪生. T.) Language points (warming up/listening/speaking) 1. undertake (undertook/undertaken) ① We can undertake the work for the time being. ②He undertook the leadership of the team. ③He undertook to pay the money back within six months. 着手做 担负起,承担 许诺;保证 注: undertake 作“许诺,保证”讲时,其后不接 名词或代词作宾语,而用 to do 或 that 从句。 2. It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. It takes + n. + to do sth. 做某事需要…… e.g. It will take a lot of courage to tell the truth. It takes about thirty minutes to walk from here to the station. It took him a lot of money to buy her a fur coat. (花费时间) (花费钱) 3. This great mind was on fire for… 这个伟大的有才智的人热衷于…… (be) on fire 热衷的;兴奋的(+for) 燃烧着的(= burning) e.g. As a child, she was on fire for drawing something freely. When I saw he was on fire, I knocked him down and rolled him. 1.Children are naturally _______about everything around them. 2.I’m_______ to know what she said. 我真想知道


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