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Productivity and Quality of Life: 生产率和生活质量 • Poverty 贫困 • Capital output ratio 资本产出比 • Economic growth 经济增长 Arvind Shrouti,Option Positive Productivity and work intensity? Matter of confusion?? 生产率和工作强度?混为一谈? What is productivity? 什么是生产率? What is work intensity? 什么是工作强度? Arvind Shrouti,Option Positive Challenges faced by the firm: 企业面临的挑战: Constraints on out prices 外部价格限制 Rising input prices 投入价格上涨 Fluctuating and uncertain demand 需求浮动不确定 Changing product mix 产品组织变化 Delayed payment and slower circulation of working capital 付款延迟、运营资本循环较慢 High quality expectations 高质量期待 Irrational laws 不合理法律 Influence of traditional leadership in management and unions 管理层和工会的传统领导影响 Lack of resources for technical up gradation 缺乏技术升级 所需资源 Lack of work culture 工作文化匮乏 Arvind Shrouti,Option Positive Problems within the firm: 企业内部的问题 Out dated and rigid work norms 不合时宜的僵化劳动规范 Restrictive and narrow job description 狭隘的具有局限性 的工作描述 Too many non value adding activities 过多的非增值活动 Idle manpower on one hand and high incidents of overtime on other hand 一方面有闲散人员,另一方面又 有很多人加班 Maladjusted production schedule 生产计划失调 Shortages of critical items on one hand and growing inventory on the other hand 一方面关键产品供不应求, 另一方面库存越来越多 Arvind Shrouti,Option Positive Problems within the firm: 企业内部的问题 Unbalanced work load and bottlenecks 工作负担不平衡, 出现瓶颈 Break-downs 故障 Rejection and reworks 不合格和返工 Absenteeism and labor turn over 旷工、劳动力流动 Lack of accountability 缺乏问责 Discontent, low morale and responsibilities. 不满足、士气 低落、缺乏责任心 Mismatch between authorities and responsibilities 责权不 匹配 Arvind Shrouti,Option Positive Remedial approaches:解决方案: A. Organizational: 组织层面 Promoting transparency & participation 增加透


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