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华北电力大学工程硕士学位论文摘要 i 摘 要 超高压和特高压直流输电系统在单极大地回线方式或双极不平衡方式时,造 成大地直流电位提高,出现直流电流流入中性点接地的交流变压器的现象,同时 直流电流通过变压器流入交流电网中,在一定范围内中性点接地的交流变压器也 存在直流,影响范围取决于距离的大小和土壤、水文情况。直流电流引起交流变 压器发生直流偏磁问题,造成变压器铁心较大的磁饱和,造成漏磁通增加,导致 铁心损耗增加,可能出现过热、破坏绝缘情况,降低变压器使用寿命甚至损坏变 压器,对变压器的正常运行造成较大的影响;同时,直流电流使励磁电流畸变严 重,产生大量谐波,影响电能质量,变压器的无功损耗增加,运行的振动增强, 噪音明显增大。针对上述情况,可从抵消或隔断方面采取措施,其中一种抑制措 施是变压器直流抑制系统,通过监测变压器中性点直流电流的大小,控制抑制系 统向变电站地网注入极性相反的直流电流,以减小或消除变压器中性点的直流电 流。另一种抑制措施是变压器直流隔离系统装置,在主变中性点处新增加一组中 性点接地刀闸,该接地刀闸串联一组电容后再与变电站电网连通,从而隔断通过 主变的直流电流,同时不影响交流电流的通过。鉴于直流输电系统特有的优势及 特点,以及我国区域资源及经济发展的不平衡,直流输电系统还将在我国电力工 业中广泛应用,变压器直流偏磁问题也将伴随而至,直流偏磁电流的抑制措施将 有长期的应用需求。 关键词:变压器;直流偏磁;抑制系统;隔离系统 ii ABSTRACT When the Ehv and Uhv dc transmission system run in the mono-pole ground return operation mode or the unbalanced bipolar operation mode, it will cause the dc voltage in creasing and a dc current flowing into the ac transformer which has a grounding neutral point.The dc current will flow into the ac power grid through the transformer at the same time. There exists some dc current in the ac transformer in a certain range which depend s on the size of the distance and soil, hydrological conditions.The dc current will cause th e magnetic biasing problems of the ac transformer and the more magnetic saturation of tr ansformer core. And it also will cause the increasing of the magnetic flux leakage, the co re loss. And it may cause the situation of overheat or the destruction of insulation situatio n, reduce the service life of the transformer and even damage of the transformer. It will have a large influence on the normal operation of thetransformer. At the same time, the d c current make the excitation current distortion seriously, produce much harmonics, deter iorate the power quality, increase the reactive power loss of transformer and the running vibration and the noise.According to the above situation, we can take measures from the aspects of offset or of the measures is using the transformer dc suppression system. it will


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