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Keys to Workbook 2. reasonable and justified合情理的;有道理的;正当的 Thats a perfectly legitimate fear... 怀有这种恐惧完全在情理之中。 The New York Times has a legitimate claim to be a national newspaper. 《纽约时报》有理由称自己是一份全国性报纸。 Transgress: break a moral law or a rule of behaviour. (against) 违犯道德(或行为)准则 e.g.: (1) If a politician transgresses, that is not the fault of the media. 如果政客行为失检,那可不是媒体的责任。 (2) ...a monk who had transgressed against the law of celibacy... 触犯禁欲戒律的僧侣 It seemed to me that he had transgressed the boundaries of good taste. 在我看来他有伤大雅。 transgression Tales of the candidates alleged past transgressions have begun springing up. 有关这位候选人所谓的过往越轨行为的流言蜚语已经开始涌现。 Nullify: (1) declare that it is not legally valid使失去法律效力;废除;取消 (正式) He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments... 他利用自己适用范围广泛的行政权力废止当地政府所作的决定。 It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage. 要记住的是,一旦结婚,原遗嘱自动失效。 2. to make it have no effect. ( 正式)使无效;使无用;抵消 He may be able to nullify that disadvantage by offering a wider variety of produce... 他也许能通过供应更为多样化的农产品来抵消那一劣势。 This, of course, would nullify the effect of the move and merely accelerate inflation. 这毫无疑问会使该举措完全失效,而仅仅只是加速通货膨胀。 Para. 9 This conclusive paragraph contains the thesis statement: the Scofflaw spirit is dangerously infectious; something must be done to check its spread 23. disquieting: upsetting 24. terminally: fatally; totally The most disquieting thing about the scofflaw spirit is its extreme infectiousness. Only a terminally foolish society would sit still and allow it to spread indefinitely. Infectious: easily spreading Terminally foolish: totally foolish, irrational Sit still and allow it to spread indefinitely: endure its uncheckered (with restraint, without restriction) growth It means: The rapid spread of scofflawry is its most disturbing characteristic. Only a totally irrational society could ever tolerate its uncheckered growth. Translation: 惯犯行为的迅速蔓延最令人不安。只有完全无理性的社会才


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