服务运作管理整的视角services management.ppt

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服务运作管理整的视角services management

‘Productive is all labour which fixes and realises itself in a particular subject or vendible commodity . . . unproductive is all labour which generally perish in the very instant of their performance.’ (Adam Smith, 1776) Part One THE NATURE OF SERVICES Part Three HUMAN RESOURCES INSERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Part Two CUSTOMER LOGIC 4 Relationship marketing 5 Promoting services 6 Pricing services 7 Customer satisfaction and complaint management 8 Service guarantees and service-level agreements Part Three HUMAN RESOURCES IN SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 9 The role of human resource practices in service organizations 10 Competencies and service organizations 11 Collaboration: integrating work and learning 12 The role of empowerment in service organizations 13 Role stress among front-line employees Part Four OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 14 Service process design and management 15 Capacity management 16 Facilities management 17 IT developments and their impact on services Part Five AN INTEGRATED APPROACH 18 Performance measurement systems in service firms 19 Managing innovation in a service Environment 20 Managing services across national boundaries 21 Defining a service strategy Services Management: An Integrated Approach This book originated out of continuous discussions and research efforts The first point of discussion is the notion of services and service management. All too often one is tempted to take well-established insights and know-how coming from manufacturing environments and apply them to services. services do have some characteristics Intangibility poses specific challenges to the communication and marketing effort; simultaneity – i.e. the presence of the customer during the service delivery process – implies a direct link between employees’ feelings and behaviour and customers’ perceptions of service quality; the perishable nature of service service has serious implications for managing the service delivery


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