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学点新东西:10种你可以尝试的兴趣爱好 Everyone should have a hobby, but sometimes the costs really outweigh the benefits of discovering one that’s best for you. Not anymore! 每个人都应有所爱好,但有时找到最合适的爱好常常颇费周折。不过现在就不一定啦! This post will show you that there are tons of great, inexpensive hobbies and activities you can pick up if you are looking for a change in your life. From hiking to HYPERLINK /w/scrapbookingscrapbooking, you can learn a totally new skill or enjoy the outdoors for less than than a few hundred dollars a year. 如果你正好想改变生活,那么这篇文章便可提供许多便宜又有趣的爱好活动供你选择。不论是徒步旅行还是剪贴簿,你都能从中学到全新技能,或者变得喜欢每年四处穷游几回。 $100 or Less 少于100美元的兴趣爱好 1. Hiking 徒步旅行 All you need is the great outdoors. Well, you need that and some quality clothes of course! When you go hiking, it’s important to get hiking boots that are fitted correctly so that you can avoid HYPERLINK /w/blisterblisters and unnecessary foot pain. If you are hiking and camping on the same trip, that will get more expensive since you will likely have to purchase a tent and other supplies. However, if you just want to hike, you can spend less than $100.00 for a nice pair of hiking boots. Oh, and don’t forget to look on the ground for an excellent free hiking stick! 你只需有好玩的户外去处,再备上几件适合的衣物就行了!徒步旅行少不了合脚的登山鞋,以免脚疼起泡。如果你还打算在一趟旅行中既徒步又露营,开销或许会大一点:你得准备帐篷等设备。不过如果单单是徒步旅行,买一双好鞋绝不会超过100美元。当然,买鞋时别忘了看看能不能免费获赠远足拐杖哦! 2. Blogging 写博客 Blogging is an awesome hobby to have that might also transform into part-time income some day. All you need is a few dollars to buy your domain name and hosting. For less than $100, you can start off with a smaller site and only spend more for hosting as your site grows. Also, it’s completely free to market your blog on social media and make new friends at the same time. 写博不仅很有意思,而且说不定还能赚取业余收入呢。你只需花几块钱(不到100美元)购买域名和托管,就可以建立一个小网站,然后慢慢经营就行了。而且,在社交媒体上推广你的博客并结交新朋友是不花一分钱的。 3. Reading 阅读 Reading is such an easy (and often free!) hobby. Whether you love the newspaper or your e-reader, this is quite possibly the best hobby for improving your brain.


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