《导游英语》Chapter 4 Introduction of Tourist Sites.ppt

《导游英语》Chapter 4 Introduction of Tourist Sites.ppt

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* * The end Thank You! Grand Vairocanna Buddha卢舍那大佛 Empress Wu Zetian 武则天女皇 Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎 “Eastern Mona Lisa” “东方蒙娜丽莎” Ananda 阿难 Kashyapa 迦叶 Bodhisattva菩萨 Heavenly King 天王 Vajra 金刚 Divine Pagoda神塔 ○ * * The Yi River traverses northward between the hills. Like a pair of Chinese gate tower * * The palace gate was just facing Yi Que, so it got its name “Longme”-”Dragon Gate” * * Longmen Grottoes * * The entire construction lasted from Northen Dynasties to Song Dynasty * * There are still 2.345 caves and niches and 100,000 Buddist images differnet in size. * * Most minimal one is only 2 cm The largest one is17.14 meters * * Fengxian Temple The largest cave in Longmen 35 meters wide,39 meters long * * Bodhisattvas in the grottoes * * * * * * Height:17.14M Facial expressions * * * * * * 景点讲解 * * 1. Listen carefully and remember the places of interest, events and features of the Former Imperial Palace. * * What is the “Dragon Gate”? Tourists may want to know the origin of the name for Longmen Grottoes. Give tourists an overall introduction of the Longmen Grottoes. Your brief introduction will arouse their interest in the Chinese grotto art. * * The Grand Vairocana Buddha is reputed as the “Eastern Mona Lisa”. You should focus on your introduction on this marvelous statue. Other statues in the Fengxian Temple are also well recommended. You may choose some of them for further introduction. 2. Make a simulated introduction of the tourist site and try to animate your introduction using proper body language. 景点翻译 * * 1. Situated on the southern bank of the Yellow River (黄河), the city of Kaifeng (开封) covers an area of 350 square kilometers. It was one of China’s six great ancient capital cities (古都) with a history of about 3,000 years. 开封市位于黄河南岸,面积350平方公里,是我国六大古都之一,有近3,000年的历史。 Translation Part Seven: Translation for Tourist Sites * * 2. The ancient town of Luoyang (洛阳) is known as the “Capital of Nine Dynasti


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