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浙江大学硕士学位论文 STYLEREF 标题,章标题(无序号) \* MERGEFORMAT Abstract PAGE i 基于BBOSS的销售代理管理子系统的设计与实现 摘要 近几年,随着中国经济和电信产业的飞速发展,中国移动发展迅猛,网络规模不断扩大,技术设备水平逐步提高,客户群体每年以翻番的速度增长。其中,浙江移动的用户数已高达5000万人以上。日益壮大的集团代理商队伍,使得浙江移动的商业客户业务运营支撑系统——BBOSS对集团代理商的支撑问题日益突出,在BBOSS内建立销售代理管理子系统迫在眉睫。 本文首先对BBOSS进行了深入的研究,包括三层体系结构、各模块间的业务关系、接口的设计和与周边系统的关系等,掌握BBOSS的总体设计。然后对浙江各地市代理商的需求进行透彻的分析,总结出子系统的功能模块。接着在现有BBOSS的基础上提出子系统的设计方案。最后根据设计,完成子系统的编码实现和测试工作。 目前销售代理子系统已经投入实际应用,并取得了一定的效果,提高了集团代理商的工作效率,为浙江移动增加了效益。 关键词: 浙江移动,BBOSS,销售代理管理子系统,三层体系结构 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract PAGE ii PAGE ii Abstract In recent years, as the rapid development of China’s economy and the telecommunication industry, China Mobile is developing rapidly, expanding its networks, raising the level of technical equipment and increasing the number of customers at the double annual rate. Among which, Zhejiang Mobile’s users has reached more than 50 million people. With the growing of the group agent, Zhejiang Mobile’s Business Operation Support System for Business Customer, which is called BBOSS, has become increasingly prominent on the support of group agents. At first, this article makes an in-depth study on BBOSS, including three-tier system structure, business relations between different modules, the relationship between interface design and the surrounding system and so on, in order to grasp the overall design of BBOSS. Then, it makes a thorough analysis on the needs of agents around the cities in Zhejiang and sums up the function module of subsystems. What’s more, it also proposes design of the subsystems on the basis of the existing BBOSS. Finally, it completes the subsystems coding implement and test according to the design. Currently, the sales agents’ subsystems have been put into practical application and have achieved certain results, which no


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