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大连东软信息技术职业学院毕业设计(论文)专用纸 - PAGE V - 摘 要 《网上选课系统》是数字化校园的特征和应用之一。传统的选课方法是要求学生填写表格、然后交教务处进行数据处理,最后将结果公布。在学校的学生越来越多、开设课程越来越丰富和多元化、教师和学生的个性化需求也越来越明显的情况下,必须考虑建立一个方便、快速、公平和符合学分制管理制度的选课平台和应用系统。近年来,有较多的高校都将电教中心与网络中心合并为现代教育技术中心,这种合并也说明了在高校中,充分发展现代的网络教育成为高校的发展与进步的新需要。如何充分利用这种合并所带来的人才资源与技术优势,为网络教育建设服务,这是一个非常值得考虑的问题。 本文所设计的《网上选课系统》采用计算机管理学生选课及成绩管理的全过程,以帮助管理人员更快、更好的做好选课管理工作。具体可实现用户信息管理、初始化帐号、学生选课、学生成绩查询等功能。 网上管理系统是采用B/S(浏览器/服务器)架构模式的教务管理信息平台,前端采用JSP技术,后端采用SQL Server 2000数据库。本系统在仔细研究手工选课业务流程的基础上,抽象需求,并充分利用信息化的优势,对现有的选课流程进行了适当的有益改进,令整个系统更加的人性化。 关键字:《网上选课系统》;学生选课;成绩查询;B/S架构;SQL Server Abstract In the modern society, the mankind rely for existence with the strategic resources of the development, in addition to the material resources--include a reborn resources(if move,plant etc., and then call one resources), and not- reborn resources(if mineral etc., and then call the second resources) outside, there is also information, people call it is the information resources or the third resources.The real strenght of a business enterprise, want to see to own not only how much material resources, also need to see whether own an enough information resources.But human resources have is particularly important in numerous information resourceses.Social nowadays, the business enterprise wants to carry on reform, the conversion management mechanism, carry on the technique reformation, develop a new product, expand a market, depend under the many condition of the lord if it werent for the material resources, but human resource.BE technical along with the calculator of develop continuously, can ask for help the calculator technique to carry on a more reasonable management to the human resource.This system is the human resource that adopts the JSP technique to adjust to use a database to the business enterprise to carry on more conveniently a more valid management. This text divide five parts elaborate 《the human resource management automation 》 of the structure and design carry out process One


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