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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 高中英语教师晋级答辩必备手册 延津职高 Joy 1.必修课:selected course /a required course ;选修课: required course /an elective course 2.精读课:intensive reading course 泛读课:extensive reading course 3.高中英语SEFC;senior /high school English; 4.高中英语新教材SEFC;Senior English for China; 5.高中英语教学high school English teaching;Senior High School;senior English teaching 6.中华民族的伟大复兴:the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 实现中华民族伟大复兴achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation (复兴:revival) 7.十九大会议the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 8. 教师要深刻理解新《纲要》的内涵,服从新的教育理念; 明确新《纲要》提出的课程性质和功能;teachers should understand its meanings, obey the new education thought, definitude the curricular characteristics and functions and know the objective completely.(纲要the outline) 9.明确教学目标,更新教学内容,改进教学方法。 definitude the teaching aim, renovating the teaching content, and ameliorating (improving)the teaching methods. 10.课程性质 course character/nature英语是一门主要课程English is a main course, language is the most important HYPERLINK /w/thought/ \l keyfrom=E2Ctranslation thought and communication tool for human beings, and it is also an important condition for people to participate in social activities. 11.⑴讲解detailed explanation示范vivid demonstration⑵谈话教学方法talk teaching⑶讨论教学方法discussion teaching method (4)讲演教学方法Lecture Method(5)问题教学法problem-based teaching method (6)探究教学法Inquiry Teaching Method(7)发现教学法discovery teaching method How to arouse the students enthusiasm/interests?Educators must arouse interest in students by taking some students for example ,sharing stories, anecdotes, and examples with the real life experiences to ensure teaching takeaways收获发现. ESL:English as a second language,EFL:English as a first language:的区别?“EFL is used in contexts where English is neither widely used for communication nor used as the medium of instruction.”“The term ESL is used to refer to situations in which English is being taught and learned in countries,context and cultures wh


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