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l ATM自动取款机系统 院 系: 软件学院???? 专 业: 软件工程???? 班 级: ?????? 学生姓名: XXX ? ? 指导教师: ?? 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I页 摘 要 本系统在VS 2010开发环境下,使用C#语言实现各模块功能。以Access 2010作为数据库,实现了一个简化的中国工商自动取款机系统。该系统的基本工作原理是利用计算机对用户的银行交易进行管理,主要包括用户登录、取现、存现、转账、修改密码、查询余额、系统设置。系统实现了增加、删除、修改、查询等功能。储户可以存钱到账户中,也可以从自己的账户中取现,还可以将存款从一个账户转到另一个账户。储户可以随时查询自己账户的情况,并查询以前所进行的存款、取款等交易记录。自动取款机系统主要优点是:使用简单、界面友好、检索速度快、检全率和检准率容易保证、检索方式灵活多样。自动统计速度快、提供信息及时、准确,可以满足各种不同的需求,可以提供整体情况也可以细化到个人,自动取款机大大方便了用户的使用,把各类相关人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,节省了大量人力。 关键词:C#;中国工商自动取款机系统;Access 2010;数据库 Abstract The system development environment in VS 2010, using C # language features of each module. In Access 2010 as a database, to achieve a simplified Chinese Industrial and Commercial automatic teller machine system. The basic principle of the system is the use of computers to manage the users banking transactions, including user login, cash, cash deposit, transfer, change passwords, check balances, system settings. System to achieve add, delete, modify, query and other functions. Savers can deposit money into the account, or you can take from your account now, you can also deposit from one account to another. Depositors can always check their accounts, and to check before were deposits, withdrawals and other transactions. Automatic teller machine system main advantages are: easy to use, friendly interface, fast retrieval, recall and precision can easily guarantee flexible retrieval methods. Speed ??automatic statistics, providing information timely, accurate, and meet a variety of different needs, can provide the overall situation can be refined to individual ATMs greatly facilitate the users to use, the different types of relevant personnel from the heavy work freed, save a lot of manpower. Keywords:C#; Chinese Industrial and Commercial automatic teller machine system; Access 2010; Database 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _



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