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攻读硕士学位期间的研究成果 PAGE 精品 基于C2C电子商务的个人创业研究 摘 要 随着目前就业压力的与日俱增,个人创业成为缓解就业压力、实现人生价值的一种不可或缺的方式;互联网的普及使得电子商务正在以一种前所未有的态势改变着社会生活;在此形势下,本文运用管理学相关知识来论述个人如何通过电子商务这个平台进行创业。具体看来就是利用电子商务平台进行业务推广,主要是针对个人网上创业进行研究。 具体内容包括:国内电子商务的发展趋势和个人创业的社会背景,以及对电子商务个人创业形势的分析,主要针对大学生的就业形势和国内网上创业发展状况进行分析。文章的重点是对C2C创业过程中面临的一系列问题和卖方电子商务风险的探析,如诚信问题、商品收索问题、买方欺诈的风险、卖方财务信息被窃取的风险等多方位多角度的分析。同时针对具体问题和风险提出解决方案,如完善信用体系、商品收索竞价、选择知名的交易平台、使用安全的网络银行登录方式等。最后对网店运营的一般流程主要从经营策略、物流与支付方式、成功案例的分析与研究等几个方面进行论述,其中对于成功案例的分析与研究是针对国外EBAY和国内淘宝网两个成功的C2C电子商务平台进行研究,重点是对淘宝网运用SWOT方法进行分析。 关 键 词:创业,电子商务,C2C,网上开店 On Individual Entrepreneurship based on C2C E-commerce ABSTRACT With increasing employment pressure, individual entrepreneurship becomes an indispensable way to easy employment pressure and realize the value of life ;With the popularization of the Internet , e-commerce is changing social life in an unprecedented situation. In this paper, the relevant management knowledge was used to describe how individuals start an enterprise through e-commerce platform, specific view is the use of e-mmerce websites for business promotion, mainly for personal online business research. Details including: domestic e-commerce trends and the social background of individual entrepreneurship, as well as analysis of personal e-commerce business situation. Primarily for graduate employment and domestic online business development analysis. This paper focuses the analysis of a range of issues facing on C2C business process and the seller e-commerce risks, such as integrity problems, goods search problem, the buyers risk of fraud and the risks that seller financial information is stolen. Simultaneously we propose a solution against specific issues and risks, such as improving the credit system, commodity search auction, choosing well-known trading platform, using the secure online banking login. Finally, the paper discusses general process of online shops, which focus on the following ways, online shop business strategy , logistics and payment, succe



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