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* Zhang Zizhong(1891-May 16, 1940) was a Chinese general of the National Revolutionary Army(国民革命军) during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Born in Linqing in Shandong province, he was the highest-ranked officer and the only Army group commander(集团军司令)of the National Revolutionary Army to die in the war. His mausoleum(陵墓) is situated in Beibei District, Chongqing. There are roads named after him in Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin. Instruction of Zhang Zizhong Career 1911 Studied law in Tianjin 1914 Assigned to the 20th Army Division (师)near Fengtian as platoon leader(排长) 1935 - 1936 Chairman of the Government of Charhar (察哈尔) Province 1937 Mayor of Tianjin 1937 General Officer Commanding 38th Division 1938 General Officer Commanding 27th Army(27军团军团长) 1939 Commander in Chief Right Flank Army 5th War Area(第五战区右翼兵团总司令) 1939 - 1940 Commander in Chief 33rd Army Group(三十三集团军司令) 1940 Killed in Action at Changshan mountain near Yichang in Hubei Province 1940 - Posthumous promotion to Full General 2(追赠陆军二级上将) 张自忠(1891年8月11日-1940年5月16日),字荩臣,后改荩忱,中华民国陆军二级上将 I argue Zhang Zizhong is one of the most great general of the National Revolutionary Army.It is not only that he showed great valor in the battlefields, but also he is in great favour of our country that makes me regret him. from March 16 to April 17, 1938 General Zhang Zizhong and Pang bingxun fought a bloody defensive action against General Seishirō Itagaki(板垣征四郎)and contributed to the Chinese victory in Battle of Taierzhuang. Pang bingxun had tried to take possission of the army of Zhang zizhong and nearly killed Zhang zizhong.But Zhang zizhong despited the hatred between themselves when he faced the righteous cause of the nation.He reinforced Pang bingxun when his own army suffered a lot. Battle of Taierzhuang 经过三天的浴血鏖战,五十九军伤亡3000多人。徐祖诒参谋长鉴于五十九军伤亡过重,建议张自忠撤出战斗,转往都城休整。但张自忠杀得性起,不肯撤退。张自忠说:“我军伤亡很大,敌人伤亡也大。敌我双方都在苦撑,战争的胜利,决定于谁能坚持最后五分钟。既然同敌人干上了,我们就要用精神和血肉拼命干一场,不打败敌人誓不罢休!”素来顽强的日军,在五十九军痛击之下,终于
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