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Xiao Ming doesn’t go to school because he _________. falls ill(=be ill) 生病 Would you mind teaching him English? Not at all. Would you mind doing sth? 你介意做某事吗? kick sb. sth. =kick sth. to sb. 类似用法的动词有: pass, give, bring, take… Would you mind not …? Sorry./ I’m sorry about that. Could you give him a hand? Sure! What is it? give sb. a hand 帮助某人 be good at =do well in+Ving basketball player Kangkang is fighting with Michael. 争论,打架 Li Lei did his best to study hard, but he didn’t pass the exam. do one’s best 尽(某人)最大努力 His father is angry with him. His mother is shouting at him. 对某人生气 斥责某人 David Beckham A famous football player in England. cricket heroes 板球运动 英雄 擅长于 患病 谈论 4.对某人大声斥责 5.对某人生气 6.形成;产生 7.尽最大努力 8.例如 Translate the phrases into English. do well in fall ill/be ill talk about shout at sb. be angry with sb. come into being try/do one’s best for example/such as Game time 听老师口令,喊完一二三后,较快站起来的那组可优先抢答拼出单词,若拼读正确可为本组加上一分。 正确拼出下列单词 l i l ill


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