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专题1.3 Travel journal 【学以致用】 一、重点词汇细解 1. transport n.&vt. 运输,运送 (教材原句)Which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train? 你愿意用哪种交通方式:汽车还是火车? transport...(from...)to... 把……(从……)运到…… transportation(美)=transport(英)n.运输,交通工具 语法填空 It took two days to transport the furniture____ __ the new apartment. 把家具运送到新公寓需花费两天时间。 【答案】to 【易混辨析】 明辨异同 transport 指“运输”这种行为或“运输工具” The government's transport policy is excellent. 政府的交通运输政策非常好。 traffic 指街上的行人车辆,着重数量的多少 The traffic is heavy these days. I might arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place? 近来交通拥挤,我可能会到得晚一点,你能给我留个位子吗? 2. prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) prefer sth.更喜欢某物 prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.比起……更喜欢……(to为介词) prefer to do... rather than do ...=would rather do... than do宁愿做……而不做…… prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事=prefer that sb. (should) do sth. (1)I _________a flat in Shanghai _______one in Beijing. 我更想上海有个房子而不是北京。 (2)He _____________________________ there doing nothing. 我宁愿干活也不愿坐在那里无所事事。 (3)Would you prefer that we our meeting till next Wednesday? 你是否更愿意我们把会议推迟到下周三? (4)Liu Hulan before the enemy. 刘胡兰宁死也不在敌人面前屈服。 易错点: (1)prefer意为“更喜欢”,相当于like better/more,所以prefer一般不与比较级连用。 (2)prefer的过去式、过去分词为preferred,现在分词为preferring. 3. disadvantage n.不利条件;不便之处 (教材原句)Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the following chart. 想一想各种交通方式的利与弊,并填写下表。 at a disadvantage处于不利地位 under disadvantage在不利的情况下 to one's disadvantage 对某人不利 advantage n.优势,优点,好处 take advantage of 利用 (1)Many her private pictures have been put on the Internet, which puts her . 她的很多私人照片被放到了网上,这使她处于不利的境地。 (2)I hope my lack of experience won't be . 但愿我的经验不足不会使我吃亏。 (3)As we all know, everything has____ __ _ and______ ____. We should___________ its___________ to try our hard to avoid its ___________. 众所周知,每一样东西既有优点也有缺点。我们应该充分利用它的优点来尽量避免它的不利方面。 【答案】(1)at a disadvantage (2)to my disadvantage (3)advantages, disadvantages, take ad


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