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Top Ten of Chinese Classic Music 古代十大名曲 《高山流水》 《广陵散》 《平沙落雁》 《梅花三弄》 《十面埋伏》 《夕阳箫鼓》 《渔樵问答》 《胡笳十八拍》 《汉宫秋月》 《阳春白雪》 High Mountains and Flowing Rivers 高山流水 伯牙善鼓琴,钟子期善听。伯牙鼓琴,志在登高山,钟子期曰:‘善哉,峨峨兮若泰山。’志在流水,钟子期曰:‘善哉,洋洋兮若江河。’……” ------ 列御寇《列子·汤问》 Chinese Culture before Qin Dynasty 1.The introduction of Pre-Qin culture Pre-Qin was a period of the Chinese culture starting from its embryonic stage to the stage when the basic form began to take shape. There were three main influences: the Eastern Yi culture, the Western Xia culture and the Southern Man culture. The introduction of Pre-Qin culture In a long process of alternative conflict and peace, the Eastern Yi and Western Xia gradually merged, thus becoming the predecessors of Hua Xia nationality. The culture collision and assimilation between Yi and Xia laid a foundation for China’s ancient civilization. After Hua Xia nationality moved southward and conquered the Southern Man, the embryonic form of the Chinese nation appeared. 汤武革命 夏朝末年,商族逐渐强大,眼见夏桀暴虐,失去民心,汤决心灭夏。 汤,据说是帝喾后代契的子孙,为商部落首领。商族兴起在黄河下游,相当于现在的河南、山东一带。商部落的历史可以追溯到母系氏族公社时期。这个部落的始祖叫契。传说契的母亲简狄洗澡,忽然发现燕子下了个蛋,吃了以后便怀孕生契。所以古代有“天命玄鸟,降而生商”的传说。 汤武革命 商朝最后一个国王是商代的第三十二位帝王子辛,也叫“帝辛”,,“纣王” 。纣王统治残暴,生活奢华,屠杀奴隶,祭祀鬼神。 这个时候,活动在渭河流域的姬姓周部落逐渐强大起来,首领周武王姬发正在积极策划灭商。他继承父亲文王遗志,重用姜尚等人,使国力增强。当商的军队主力远在东方作战,国内军事力量空虚之时,周武王联合各个部落,进军到距离商纣王所居的朝歌只有70里的牧野(今河南淇县西南),举行了誓师大会,列数纣王罪状,鼓励军队同纣王决战。 牧野一战灭商。 The culture in Three Dynasties 1. The dynasties of Xia, Shang and Western Zhou are historically called “Three Dynasties”, during which the unified patriarchal state, based on the autocracy of royal right, was formed and developed. The notion of great national unity, i.e. “all the land under the sky belongs to the king; all the people within this country are the king’s subjects”, gradually came into being. The culture in Three Dynasties 2. The quintessence of material civilization of the Three Dynasties was the brilliant Bronze culture. Three Dynasties 3. The inscriptions on tortoise


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