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学号:2010013074 2014届本科生毕业论文(设计) 基于B/S的微博信息发布系统设计与实现 学院(系): 信息工程学院 专业班级: 信息管理与信息系统103 学生姓名: 冉均平 指导教师: 朱俊平 合作指导教师: 完成日期: 2014 基于B/S的微博信息发布系统设计与实现 摘要 随着网络技术的蓬勃发展,信息的急剧增加,加上移动终端的便捷性和多媒体化。传统的web1.0信息发布平台已经不能满足高校师生的需求。为了让全校师生能够更加方便的交流、交友,更好的进行信息的传播,在分析了高校微博平台的特色优点,并结合传统网站的现状及其存在的问题,提出了研究本课题的意义以及所要研究的内容。本课题着重介绍了校园微博平台的功能设计和技术实现,并结合关注、发现、分享、互动等特色,建立一个基于web2.0的校园微博信息平台,以此促进高校信息的传播、分享,促进学生的交流、互动,同时也有助于人脉资源的积累。使信息传播的更加的及时、便捷、广泛,更加方便于高校师生。 关键词:校园平台;微博 The Design And Implementation Of Microblog?Information?System Based On B/S Abstrct With the rapid development of network technology and the rapid increase of information, coupled with the convenience of mobile devices and multimedia,the traditional campus-based information platform of web1.0 can not meet the needs of college teachers and students. In order to make students more convenient to disseminate information and communicate with each other,this paper studys the significance of the content in the analysis of the characteristics of college microblogging platform advantages, combined with the traditional status of the site and the problems presented. This issue highlights the technology and the function of the campus microblogging platform , combined with characteristics of concerning, finding,sharing and interaction.Establishing this campus-based microblogging web2.0 information platform can not only promote the dissemination of university information and interaction and communication among students, but also contribute to the accumulation of a network of resources. This system makes dissemination of information more timely, convenient, widespreaded, and more convenient for university teachers and students. Keywords: Campus platform; micro-Blo PAGE II 23 - PAGE \* MERGEFORMATI 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc390697164 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc390697164 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc390697165 1.1微博的概述 PAGEREF _Toc390697165 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc390697166 1.1.1微博的简介 PAGEREF _Toc390697



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