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学士学位论文 浅析培训体系优化设计 —以TD纺织集团为例 学 院 管理学院 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导老师 二О一三 年 十一 月 二十 日 摘 要 在知识经济时代,人是企业最重要的资产,而培训是对人力资源最重要的投资。因此,及时的、有效的、连续的、有计划的培训和开发企业内部的人力资源,成为保持和增进企业活力的可行、可信、有效的途径。企业只有加强员工的培训,加强知识更新才能跟上新技术的发展,跟上时代的进步。那么,怎样才能设计和建立一套科学的、符合我国国情的、能够适应知识经济时代企业发展需要的员工培训体系,就成为摆在每一个企业面前的重要课题。 本文从分析我国纺织企业的培训体系中存在的问题入手,通过对TD集团原有员工培训体系的剖析,提出了新的设计方案。第一部分对我国纺织企业培训的重要性和其存在的问题进行了较为全面的论述;第二部分主要对TD集团的基本情况、现状及问题、原有员工培训模式及存在的问题进行了简要的剖析,并指出了员工素质和员工培训问题对该企业发展的重要影响;第三部分在前两章的基础上,结合该公司的实际情况,对TD集团的员工培训体系进行了重新设计;第四部分介绍了员工培训体系的实施保障。 关键词:TD集团;员工培训体系;再设计 ABSTRACT At the times of the information economy, personnel is on one hand the most important assets of an enterprise and on the other hand, training is the most important investment of human resources. Therefore, to train and exploit timely, effectively and continually the human resource inside of the enterprise with proper program has become the valid channel with feasibility and credit to maintain and improve the enterprise vitality. An enterprise should always enhance the employee training and strengthen the updating of the knowledge to keep abreast with the progress of the world. Then, the most important topic that every enterprise should face to is how to conceive and establish a scientific personnel training system conformed to the general conditions of our country and which could meet the demands of the enterprises development at times of information economy. This article analyses the problem of training system at the spinning and weaving enterprise and presents a case study on the existing employee training system at TD Group. It proposes a new system. The first chapter gives a comprehensive introduction to the importance and the problem of spinning and weaving enterprise抯 training system. The sec



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