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哈尔滨理工大学高等教育自学考试毕业(设计)论文 PAGE PAGE III 高等教育自学考试质量技术监督管理专业 毕 业 设 计 题 目:水利水电工程施工阶段的质量控制研究 专 业: 质量技术监督管理专业 考 号: 412004123695 考生姓名: 指导教师: 哈尔滨理工大学 2009年4月15日 水利水电工程施工阶段的质量控制 摘 要 水利水电工程质量是水利水电工程监理工程师控制的核心内容。由于水利水电工程的自身特点,使得水利水电工程质量控制任务既复杂又繁重。本文就大中型水利水电工程的质量控制进行了较为深入的研究。 首先,分析了我国水利水电建设项目管理的特点、我国水利水电工程质量的特点。 第二,将水利水电工程施工阶段的质量控制划分为事前控制、事中间控制、事后控制三个阶段,给出了监理工程师事前控制质量影响因素的具体内容、事中工序质量控制的内容和做法,提出了监理工程师控制质量影响因素的控制流程。 本文的研究成果,具有较强的实用性和可操作性,对于从事水利水电工程质量控制的监理工程师具有一定的指导意义。 关键词: 水利水电工程;质量控制;施工阶段 Research on Quality Control in the Construction Stage of Water and Hydroelectric Projects Abstract Quality is the core content of what the engineer must control in Water and Hydroelectric Projects. Due to the characteristics of itself, the assignment of Quality control in Water and Hydroelectric Projects is complex and heavy. In this dissertation, with big or medium-sized projects of Water and Hydroelectric Engineering, detailed study had been made in quality control. Firstly, the characteristics of management and quality control of Water And Hydroelectric Projects and the current situation in China of the quality control information system are studied and summarized. Secondly, the construction stage of Water and Hydroelectric Projects is divided into three parts as beforehand phase, middle period and afterwards phase. The concrete contents of the influence complications in beforehand phase and the content and modus of quality control in middle period are brought forward. The control flow of influence complications in quality control from engineer is pointed out. The paper’s results are practical and operability and consultative to those engineers whom engaged in quality control of Water and Hydroelectric Projects. Keywords:Water and hydroelectric projects; Quality control; Stage of construction 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc113775523 摘 要 Ⅰ HYPERLINK \l _Toc113772971 Abstr


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