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PAGE 摘 要 鉴于我国铁路基础建设特别是高速铁路及客运专线施工的要求,大量采用新技术,新工艺,以提高铁路施工的整体水平,铁路整孔箱梁应运而生,解决大吨位箱梁的架设和运输就成为急需解决的问题。架桥设备需要根据桥梁结构的要求及施工的需要进行设计制造,由于京沪高速铁路预制箱梁尺寸及架设吨位的增大,以往国内的架桥设备已不能满足京护高速铁路工程建设的需要,因此迫切需要结合京沪高速铁路工程特点,设计出适用于京沪高速铁路工程的高吨位架桥机的电控系统。本论文中900吨箱梁架桥机电气控制系统的设计就是为了解决这一问题而提出的。 本文首先根据自动控制中的两种控制结构--分散控制系统(DCS)和工业以太网系统,结合架桥机的电气控制要求,组建混合型系统。然后介绍了架桥机电气控制系统中应用到的相关技术。其中主要阐述了西门子公司PLCS7-300的特点,变频器的应用技术,无线局域网技术和工业以太网技术。 京沪高速铁路属于国家重点工程,由于工程量大、工期相对紧张,因此一旦开始修建,必将形成多标段、多单位、多工点的施工格局,架梁设备的需求量较大。所以,大吨位架桥机的设计完成将有效的支持京沪高速铁路的建设。 关键词:架桥机;PLC;DCS;无线局域网;工业以太网 Abstract Seeing the demand of the capital construction of railway especially the high-speed railway and passenger traffic special line of our country construct, we adopt the new technology and new craft, in order to improve the integral level of constructing of the railway. The whole hole case roof beam of the railway arises at the historic moment. It becomes the problem in need of solution that how to erect and transport the large tonnage case roof beam Bridge equipment is designed according to the demand of the structure of the bridge. Because the prefabricate size of roof beam and the tonnage in the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is increasing, the equipment of bridging in the past in our country cant already meet the engineering construction of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railways needs. The electrical control system of the 900 ton case roof beam bridging machine in this paper is designed to solve this problem. At first in this text according to two kinds of control structure –Distributed Control System (DCS) and wireless LAN system and combining the electric control request of the bridging machine, we have set up the mixing type system.Then the paper introduced the technology that has been used in the electrical control system. Among them it has explained the characteristic of Siemens Companys PLC S7-300, the application technology of the frequency converter mainly, technology of the wireless LAN and technology of the industrial Etherne



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