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2016年中考英语短文填空热点预测题 Passage 1 In the Olympic history before, no city has hosted both the winter and summer games. Now, Beijing will be the (1)f _____ city of doing it. After hosting the Summer Olympics in 2008, China will (2)h the 2022 Winter Olympics. On July 31, 2015, China (3)b Kazakh rival(对手) Almaty 44-40 in a surprising close vote(选票). In 2008, Beijing (4)s down many factories to short pollution, and the (5)c of hosting the Summer Olympics was $44 billion. During the 2022 Winter Games, (6)h , Beijing hopes to show a greener China, with only $3.1 billion. Beijing plans to use several playgrounds from the 2008 Olympics, (7)i the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube. But the snow and sliding events would be in Yangqing and Zhangjiakou, 60 and 140 kilometers (8)a from Beijing. The IOC regarded Beijing as a (9)s , reliable(可靠的) choice because it offered great commercial(商业的) opportunities in a new winter sports market. “It really (10) i a safe choice,” IOC President Thomas Bach said. “We know China will keep its promises.” 1. first 2. hold 3. beat 4. shut 5. cost 6. however 7. including 8. away 9. safe 10. is Passage 2 He used to be a member of a popular boy band. He won over millions of (1)f_________ with his handsome looks. But Kris Wu was so tired of being called a “pretty face” that he shaved off (剃掉) all his hair. The 25-year-old Chinese actor appeared bareheaded (光着头的) in a new commercial (广告). “I want to (2)p_________that I am worth being loved by people,” he said. “Please take your attention away from my looks.” Standing at 187cm tall, Wu was the leader of South Korean boy band EXO-M in 2012. The band quickly became a hit in China. But somehow Wu wanted to find more of his potential (潜能) and (3)l_________the group in 2014. After that, Wu tried out acting. In his first (4)m_________ Somewhere Only We Know, the young man played a cellist (大提琴手). As a new actor, Wu worked hard to (5)i______


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