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4、增加(减少)活动分析/解释难度 为了提高活动的难度,可以增大对语言的分析、解释的难度。如对一个语篇提出的理解问题需要复杂的分析才能完成,解释一个问题需要某些相关的背景知识、语言知识才能完成。 Unit 1 project 3 Write down their personal information. 调整为: And then work in pairs, telling each other how can we protect our personal information. 调整后,增加一个步骤,提供学生自我保护的意识。比如:Don’t tell strangers your phone number. Don’t tell strangers your ID numbers. Don’t trust all the phone calls. Don’t tell strangers where your address. * LIFE AND CULTURE Top Tongue (原文略) ?调整为:补充一些理解思考题。如: How many prepositions are there in English? Can you give a few examples of in used in different ways? Can you think of some disadvantages of English language? 调整后,从原来没有任何理解题,到补充几个理解题,增大了难度(工作量)。 * 5、增加(减少)语言表达准确度、流利度 对语言要求得更加流畅、更加精准会增加活动的难度。如在给定的情景下流利地对话,在特定的角色中不加准备地完成任务。Unit 1 topic 3 3a Read and write the words. 调整为: Read and write 3 times and give your partner a dictation. 调整后,增加了两遍,增加了听写环节。 * Listen and repeat. 听录音跟读,注意一下发音。 Star light, star is bright, /ei/ /ai/ First star I see tonight I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight. 调整为: Listen and repeat five times, and read aloud fluently without looking at your book. 听录音跟读五遍,流利地背诵。 调整后,学生模仿录音,并流利地背诵。比原来的要求有所提高。 * 6、将理解的活动转变为表达活动 接受性的任务到产出性的任务。例如:unit 1 topic 1 1a Read and understand. 调整为: Read and show your understanding by telling a story using the pictures given. * Read underline. 读对话,下划线标出点餐时用的语句。 Waiter: Would you like to order now? Sara: Yes, I’d like beef steak. W: Well-done or medium? S: Well-done, please. W: Would you like something to drink? S: A glass of orange juice, please. W: Beef steak well0done and a glass of orange juice. S: Right. W: What about you, Miss? Tang: The same, please. W: All right. Wait a minute, please. * 调整为 Read and role-play the dialog without looking at your books. 读对话,划线标出点餐语句,按角色卡与同伴角色扮演。 角色卡一 You’re a waiter in a restaurant. 1. You ask the customer Sara if she’d like to order food now. 2. Ask if Sara wants it well-done or medium. 3. Ask her


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