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中国科技论文在线 7 6 Vo.l 7 No. 6 2009 11 Ch inese Journal of B ioprocess Engineering Nov. 2009 do:i 10. 3969 /.j issn. 1762- 3678. 2009. 06. 015 L 刘 苗, 郑 璞, 杜巧燕, 刘小德, 倪 晔, 毛忠贵, 孙志浩 (江南大学 生物工程学院, 工业生物技术教育部重点实验室, 无锡 214122) : 应用基因组改组技术提高 L 谷氨酸生产菌在高温发酵条件下的谷氨酸产量以天津短杆菌T613变异株 SW 071为原始亲株, 分别经紫外线( UV) 硫酸二乙酯( DES) 和 X 射线诱变, 获得 5株耐温性能略有提高的突变菌 株经 2轮基因组改组, 获得耐高温( 能在 44 生长) 的L 谷氨酸菌株 F250F250在38 下, 摇瓶发酵 40 h, 发 酵液中L 谷氨酸浓度比原始出发菌株提高了近 41% , 在 41 高温下, 摇瓶发酵 40 h, L 谷氨酸浓度比原始出发菌 株提高了近 2倍 : 基因组改组; L 谷氨酸; 耐温性 : Q933 : A : 1672- 3678( 2009) 06- 0074- 05 Breeding ofa thermotolerantBrevibacterium tianjinese for producing L glutamic acid LIU M iao, ZHENG Pu, DU Q iaoyan, L IU X iaode, N IY e, MAO Zhonggu,i SUN Zhihao ( Key Laboratory of Industrial B iotechnology of theM inistry of Education, School of B iotechnology, J iangnan Un ivers ity, W uxi 214122, Ch ina) Abstract: The breeding of therm otolerantL glutam ic acid producing strain by genom e shufflingw as inves tigated. A variant ofBrevibacterium tianjinese T613, SW 071 w as used as the paren t strain. F ivem utants w ith subtle im provem ent in characteristic of heat resistance w ere generated by UV DES ( d iethyl su lfate m utagenesis) and Xrays, respectively. A strain F250 capab le of grow ing at 44 and w ith higher L glutam ic acid productivity w as obtained from the second round genom e shuffled popu lation. TheL glu tam ic acid production of F250 w as 041 and 2 tim es higher than that of the initial strain at 38 and 40 , respectively.


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