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注意上标125I CT引导下植入125I放射性粒子联合化疗治疗结直肠癌肝转移的疗效分析 张念华 陈高峰 李寿杰 高海利 武如通 (广东省第二中医院肿瘤科 广州510095) 摘要:目的:评价CT引导下植入125I放射性粒子联合化疗治疗结直肠癌肝转移的临床价值。方法:选取42例在我科接受化疗的结直肠癌肝转移患者,随机分为两组,其中研究组21例,在化疗的同时并植入125I放射性粒子治疗,对照组21例,仅接受化疗。对所有患者按实体瘤疗效评价标准进行评价。结果:研究组完全缓解2例、部分缓解16例、稳定3例、进展0例,对照组完全缓解0例、部分缓解11例、稳定8例、进展2例。研究组客观反应率为85.7%(18/21),对照组客观反应率为52.4%(11/21),研究组的客观反应率较对照组明显升高(P=0.022)。治疗过程中两组均未发现严重不良事件,大多不良反应都是轻微、一过性的。两组在Ⅲ~Ⅳ度毒性反应方面并无明显差异。结论:CT引导下植入125I放射性粒子联合化疗治疗结直肠癌肝转移在提高临床疗效的同时,不良反应并未增加。 关键词:结直肠癌肝转移;化疗;125I放射性粒子;近距离放射疗法 Clinical Observation of CT Guided 125I Implantation Combined with Chemotherapy in Treating Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer ZHANG Nian-hua, CHEN Gao-feng, SHI Qing-hua, LI Shou-jie, GAO Hai-li, WU Ru-tong (The Department of Oncology, Guangdong Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guangzhou510095) Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of CT guided 125I implantation combined with chemotherapy in treating liver metastasis of colorectal cancer. Methods: 42 Colorectal cancer patients with liver metastasis were received chemotherapy in our department, 21 patients were assigned to receive chemotherapy combined with CT guided radioactive 125I implantation (experimental group), while another 21 patients received chemotherapy alone (control group). The effects were evaluated according to response evaluation criteria in solid tumors. Results: In the experimental group, complete response (CR) was 2, 16 had partial response (PR), 3 had stable disease (SD), and 0 had progressive disease (PD). While in the control group, CR was 0, 11 had PR, 8 had SD, and 2 had PD. The objective reaction rate in the experimental group was 85.7% (18/21), which was 52.4% (11/21) in the control group, the experimental group was higher than that in the control group (P=0.022). During the follow-up periods, most toxicity were low-grade and transient, and clinically significant adverse event was not observed. The Ⅲ~Ⅳ toxicities during treatments in the experimental group an


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