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Arthur Hailey —A famous author 人物简介 Arthur Hailey ,名畅销书作家、行业小说之王   出生于英格兰的黑利曾在英国、加拿大、美国等国生活过,1969年,他移居巴哈马的一个海岛,定居至今。近年来,他不再公开出版小说,但据透露,作为一种爱好,他仍时常写作。   他的第一部小说《最后诊断》出版于1959年,讲述医生误诊致婴儿死亡的事件。之后他频出杰作,如《大饭店》(1965年)、《航空港》(1968年)、《汽车城》(1971)和《烈药》 (1975年),他最后的一部作品是出版于1997年的《侦探》。 All Arthur Haileys life Born in Luton,England, in 1920, AR~nuR HAT r was educated in English schools until age fourteen. After a brief career as an office boy, he joined the British Royal Air Force in 1939 and served through World WarII, rising through the ranks to become a pilot and flight lieutenant. In 1947 Mr. Hailey emigrated to Canada, where he was successively a real estate salesman, business paper editor and a sales and advertising executive. He became, and still is, a Canadian citizen.. In 1956 Arthur Hailey scored his first writing success with a TV drama, Flight into Danger, which later became a rnofion picture and a novel, Runway Zero-Eight. Since then, as a novelist and one of the great storytellers of our time, he has acquired a worldwide following of devoted readers and his books are published in twentyseven languages. Hailey bestsellers include: Hotel Airport Motor city The Final Diagnosis The Money Changers Strong Medicine Evening news Brief introduction of the hotel Conflict and desire, secrets and shocking destinies -- all are part of the fascinating world of the famous St. Gregory, a New Orleans luxury hotel. For five sultry days of a hot Louisiana summer the lives of strangers intimately touch, sizzle, and explode in round-the-clock excitement as the St. Gregory becomes the stage for their private and public dramas -- and for the stunning, heart-stopping climax awaiting them all. Fast-moving storytelling rich with interesting and bizarre characters. THE DENVER POST Instant readability... catches the reader by his lapels and holds him through its last crowded page. CHICAGO TRIBUNE A great story. CLEVELAND PRESS Characters Peter McDe


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