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Lesson 88Trapped in a mineIf you are trapped in a mine, what will you do?Coal mining is dangerous work. What other kind of work involves similar risks?1. Fireman2.War reporter3. Coal miners4.Traffic policeman 5.Construction workers6.Hostage rescue expert7. Mine-sweeping expert8. stunt man 特技替身演员9. Matador (L70 P316)Questions?1.How long have the six men been trapped?2.What may happen if they are not brought to the surface?3.What will happen if explosives are used?4.How do they intend to bring them up?5.What did they discover beneath the soil?6.What would they have done if it hadn’t been there?7.How long have they been drilling ?8.Is it difficult to rescue them?9.Do they know the situation? Why?Phrases 被困在……被带到丧生营救工作打算把……就上来;养育在土壤下面事实上在一个特别的容器里一层坚硬的岩石有一段漫长的路要走保持联系进展顺利用完,用尽丧失信心be trapped inbe brought…to..lose one’s liferescue operationsintend to bring upbeneath the soilas it isin a special capsule a hard layer of rockhave a long way to gokeep in touch withprogress smoothly run out of lose heartNew words and expressionswordstrapsurfaceexplosivevibrationcollapsedrillcapsulelayerbeneathlowerprogresssmoothlyv. 陷入,使陷于困境n. 地面,表面n. 炸药n. 震动v. 坍塌v. 钻孔n. 容器n. 层prep. 在......之下v. 放下,降低v. 进展,进行adv. 顺利地Oh,My God!陷入困境啦!trap (1) v. 陷入,使陷于困境他被困在禁猎区。He was trapped in the game preserve . (2)v. 将(某人)诱入圈套trap sb into doing 诱使某人做某事他们骗她卖了房子。They trapped her into selling her house . (3) n.(捕鸟、兽等用的)圈套、陷阱 它掉进了陷阱.It fell into a trap . explosive(1) adj. 爆炸性的(2) n. 炸药v. explode(1) Vi. The bomb exploded. 炸弹爆炸了(2) Vt. The police exploded it. 警察将它引爆了n. explosion 爆炸vibration n. 震动我们能够感觉到外面卡车路过的震动。We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside.vibrate (1) v. 震动、摇动他气到双肩颤动。His shoulders vibrated with anger .(2) v. 受……而感动那张画感动了我的心灵。My heart vibrated to the painting .美国50号公路被称为“全美最孤独的公路”collapse (1) v. 坍塌、瓦解、崩溃这房子快要倒塌了。The house will collapse .(2) v. 折叠、可折叠这种沙发可以折叠,不用时很容易收藏。This sofa collapses , so I can store it easily .drill (1) v. 钻孔我忙着在墙上钻洞。I am busy in drilling a hole in the wa


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